粉丝130万! 正妹晒一张自拍照...45万元马上入袋

▲Sjana Elise Earp喜欢分享自己的瑜珈照片,希望能传递给追踪者们正能量。(图/翻摄自Sjana Elise Earp IG)


现代人喜欢在社群网站上分享自己的照片、影片近况,让许多素人变成网路红人。来自澳洲的Sjana Elise Earp在Instagram上有130万粉丝,她平常只要晒一张自拍照片,一天内最多可以赚到1.5万元美金(约新台币45万元),让她年纪轻轻就身价千万。

据《每日邮报》报导,Sjana Elise Earp于1995年出生,她曾在15至16岁时患上抑郁症,还自杀过许多次,最后一次她躺在精神病院床上,突然有了想好好活着、不只是为了「生存」的念头,因此开始勤练瑜珈,希望能找回健康和幸福。

报导指出,Sjana Elise Earp喜欢透过社群网站传递「正能量」,带领她的追随者看遍世界,因此她也完成了2次环球旅行。Sjana Elise Earp表示,抑郁症像是一个大阴影,会让人感到脾气暴躁、心情很差,但自从她学会使用社群软体之后,让人生出现了重大转变。

据了解,随着追踪者越来越多,Sjana Elise Earp也开始代言知名品牌,平常只要PO出一张自拍照,就可以拥有将近1.5万元美金。她也喜欢在Instagram上分享关于健康、瑜珈、时尚美食旅游生活的照片。Sjana Elise Earp提到,她会收到陌生人的「感谢信」,对方会透过电子邮件讯息方式,来谢谢Sjana Elise Earp的正能量让人度过难关。

Sjana Elise Earp称,「我觉得我已经克服了许多难关,但是其他人可能还没度过,我发现我分享的个人经验能够帮助到他人,所以现在正尝试传播爱与微笑的正能量」。

In celebration of World Mental Health Day, I wanted to share my own story with you. For those of you who don't know, I haven't always been the bright, happy and care-free person you may see me as today. I struggled through a period of depression and anxiety, and for a long time I allowed it to control my life. I truly believed I was pathetic, worthless and useless. I openly share my story now because I am living proof you can fight back and take your life and wellbeing back in to your control. I share my story openly now because I have hope that maybe it can help even just one other person to seek help or to find their light. You can see my whole story by clicking the link in my bio. I hope you all have a fantastic day and don't allow those negative thoughts and feelings to stop you from living a whole and purposeful life. If you or someone close to you needs help, please don't be afraid to seek it