黄金猎犬遭撞路上等死 满身血见人还是摇尾巴撒娇

▲满身是血的Spirit看见救援人员还会尾巴撒娇。(图/翻摄自Saving Spirit脸书,下同)



根据《The Dodo》报导,Spirit在当地时间10日凌晨3时许在德州一条公路上遭撞,汽车驾驶不但没有下车查看反而直接离开,不过,求生意志坚强的牠虽然前腿都已经严重骨折,还是靠着自己的力量缓缓爬到路边,直到有民众路过发现才将满身是血的牠送医。


Dallas DogRRR执行董事道森(Patti Dawson)提到,Spirit到院时2条前腿都严重骨折甚至造成部分开放性伤口,很有可能已经造成神经损伤,而且还患有心丝虫症,不排除必须截肢保命。


Spirit is wagging his tail, this sweet boy needs your help. He will be transported to Alma Animal Hospital here in a few...

Warning: This heartbreaking video has surfaced from the store front camera near where Spirit was found. As you can see, he had the will to move to where someone would find him and save him, despite very little use of his front legs. Please notice the time that Spirit enters the video is 10:28. The time stamp is incorrect. This courageous, sweet boy has the will to fight for his life. Please continue to support him and Dallas DogRRR as we fight alongside him. We are so close to our goalhttps://www.gofundme.com/qrb53np3