巨石强森眼中的硬汉!无腿独臂男扮僵尸爆红 健身迎缺憾人生

▲ 尼克保持乐观态度,更不排斥扮演僵尸。(图/翻摄自IG/nicksantonastasso)


美国病患者尼克(Nick Santonastasso)天生四肢不健全,就连仅有的左手也只有一根手指头,但他不因此丧志,更在前几年扮演僵尸恶作剧网路走红。如今的他不仅是一名健美运动员,也身兼模特儿网红企业家,且他的励志人生也获得巨石强森的肯定。他指出,「你唯一的限制,就是你给自己设下的界线。」

美媒CNBC报导,尼克患有罕病汉哈特二氏综合症(Hanhart syndrome),一出生就只有一只手臂,而他的父母也期盼他能独立成长,时而在家给予机会教育,包括把食物衣服放在尼克眼前,并要尼克自己想办法

Hitting some poses with this monster @jasonhugehuh - I got to spend the majority of the afternoon with Jason, his family and some of his co workers in Sarasota yesterday. It might be a surprise to some of you but in the fitness industry there are a ton of fake people who put on this image behind the camera and in real life are not who they perceive themselves as... - I can EASILY say that Jason was one of THE most genuine guys I have met in this industry. So my brother thank you so much for the hospitality, for all you do for the industry, the people around you and for the friendship we now have. I appreciate you - @paul_huh - #Bodybuilding #Fitness #Health #Pose #DefyTheOdds #WeAreLimitless

Nick Santonastasso(@nicksantonastasso)分享的贴文 于 PST 2018 年 2月 月 28 日 下午 12:23 张贴

Tag a friend for some MOTIVATION! - Doing some 150lb tire flips with my brother @johncancelino ! Exercises like this check a bunch off the list. This can be used as HIIT cardio as well as strengthening the core, lower back and shoulder(s). - You guys can sit on your knees and drive the tire over which is going to force you to keep your core steady and isolate your shoulders when pressing through! Or try it with one arm and tell me what you think ;)- @steelsupplements CODE- SANTO saves you $$ - #bodybuilding #bodybuildingmotivation #fitness #health #lifting #motivation #inspiration #mindset #perspective #nike #tampa #lifting #physique

Nick Santonastasso(@nicksantonastasso)分享的贴文 于 PDT 2018 年 9月 月 22 日 下午 2:04 张贴



TAG someone who could use motivation. - This is my senior year of high school wrestling as our varsity 106lb. (Less tatted me) You know how many people told me I could never wrestle? How many times has someone told you that you couldn't do something? Who the f*ck are they to tell you what you are capable of? The biggest motivational speech someone can give me is telling me the things I can't do. Go out and prove the average wrong, set goals that's aren't realistic to the average mind. And of course there will be those who say "well you can't have real legs" or something along those lines of course, let's have some form of intelligence here. But FOREAL guys take these words and this picture that are proof that no one can tell you what you can and cannot do. Go out and kill shit.

Nick Santonastasso(@nicksantonastasso)分享的贴文 于 PDT 2016 年 5月 月 19 日 下午 2:47 张贴

We made history last night!- In an industry where looks are everything, I wanted to shatter the standards. Redefining what people perceive beauty as... - I used to think I was disgusting looking. I had zero confidence and didn’t want to live in my body anymore... - I started working on myself not only physically but mentally. One of the biggest mind shifts for me was realizing that if people didn’t like me or accept me for who I am and what I may look like on the outside then it’s an authentic filter and those aren’t the type of people I want to be associated with anyway! - Freedom is being your authentic self, embracing your differences, attracting people who love you for YOU and realizing that confidence is a skill that you need to work on consistently. Building a relationship within yourself that’s so good that you don’t care what anyone else thinks of you...because YOU know who YOU are - Thank you so much to @ydamyssimo for allowing me to represent her at the @stylefw Show. Thank you to @giannanicole_evn @nyfwmagazine @fashionpassport365 And my tribe of people that have supported me and guided me as we take over a new industry. - #stylefwny #stylefw #Fashion #NYC #fashionweek #Model #Modeling #fwny #NYFW #Ydamyssimo #calvinklein #calvinkleinunderwear #runwaymodel #runway #wlyg

Nick Santonastasso(@nicksantonastasso)分享的贴文 于 PDT 2018 年 9月 月 9 日 下午 4:38 张贴


现在的尼克正准备出新书《Victim to Victor》。他提到,「我只是想让人们用不同的角度来看这个世界...我可以坐在这把椅子上,并抱怨天生没有双腿和只有一只手臂,或是我可以去做点什么事情。你唯一的限制,就是你给自己设下的界线。」

Power of choice. Think about this one for a second.... @nicksanto534 was born with one arm and no legs. In his mind, there's nothing he can't do... and he's right. He's right because he does everything he sets his mind to. Competed as an amateur wrestler, motivational speaker, trains like a beast and today (Sat 9/23) he competes in his first bodybuilding contest. We chatted after my workout about the power of choice. He said, I could've been pissed at the world for being born like this, but instead I choose to live life to the fullest, be happy and crush everything I put my mind to and hopefully, I can inspire people to do the same. Yes sir. Life deals us cards on a daily basis, but we always get to decide how we're gonna play 'em. Keep crushing life my man and inspiring all those around you. And thank you for helping frame my perspective on life just a little bit more. #PowerOfChoice

therock(@therock)分享的贴文 于 PDT 2017 年 9月 月 23 日 上午 11:06 张贴