克萧季后赛挨轰次数史上第2高 防御率更写下最惨纪录



道奇王牌克萧(Clayton Kershaw)因背部痉孪伤势,直到国冠G4才挂帅先发,但他却再次出现「季后赛软手」的老症头,于6上被勇士安打串联退场,也成为此战的分水岭。克萧生涯季后赛防御率4.31,是季后赛史上至少投100局投手中的最差成绩

克萧在国冠G4主投5局被敲7安、失掉4分吞败,但其实他在此战前5局表现优异,仅在4上被欧祖纳(Marcell Ozuna)敲出一发阳春砲。但比赛来到6上却风云变色,克萧被连续敲出3支安打掉3分退场,也一举引爆勇士6分大局,最终让道奇陷入系列赛1胜3败的绝对劣势中。

Clayton Kershaw has given up three go-ahead hits in the 6th inning or later since the 2013 postseason, tied with Justin Verlander for the 2nd-most over that span. Only Aroldis Chapman (5) has given up more. pic.twitter.com/D5oInwZ9wm

克萧在6上被勇士打出超前安,也让他与韦兰德(Justin Verlander)并列2013年季后赛后,次多(3次)在6局或以后被对手逆转的投手,而砸锅最多次为洋基终结者查普曼(Aroldis Chapman)的5次。


Tagged for a solo shot in a losing start vs the #Braves Thursday, Clayton Kershaw's #postseason career has now seen him allow 28 home runs in 35 appearances (with 28 of them being starts)- a rate of 0.80 per game, compared to his regular season rate of 0.51 (off 181 HR in 357 GP) pic.twitter.com/nt6UszCwia
