

复星医药11日晚间公告公司控股子公司复星实业分别与台积电、鸿海、永龄基金会以及裕利医药签订《销售协议》,复星实业将向台积电、鸿海、永龄基金会委托的裕利医药销售共计1,000万剂mRNA 新冠疫苗

对此,BNT执行长兼联合创始人吴沙忻(Ugur Sahin)表示,「自新冠疫情爆发以来,为全球更多的人带来安全有效的疫苗一直是BNT及合作伙伴们的共同目标。 很高兴能为台湾民众供应由我们欧洲工厂生产的新冠疫苗,与此同时,我们将持续评估该疫苗应对新增新冠病毒变异毒株效果」。

原文:「We are glad to see that the vaccine co-developed by Fosun Pharma and BioNTech can play a positive role in the prevention and control of the epidemic in Taiwan. We will work closely with our partners to provide safe and effective vaccines to Taiwan at an early date, safeguarding the lives and health of Taiwan compatriots, and helping their life getting back on track as soon as possible;The doses are manufactured in Europe, and BioNTech will continue to evaluate the vaccine for use against additional variants of concern」。