路边4密封纸箱「喵喵」叫 志工急剖开11幼猫探头吸空气
▲用最快的速度拆开箱子,就怕晚了一步来不及。(图/翻摄自Celia Hammond Animal Trust)
这件事发生在当地时间11日晚间,一名女子下班的路上发现繁忙的道路旁有4个纸箱,还发出喵喵声,她赶紧打电话向动物救援团体Celia Hammond Animal Trust求助。志工发现每个纸箱都被用胶带包裹好几层,而且一点气孔也没有,他们担心小猫窒息,又怕贸然打开会让猫咪冲到马路上,于是先在箱子上戳几个小洞通风,便赶紧带回协会。
▲4个箱子被堆放在路边,旁边就是交通繁忙的大马路。(图/翻摄自Celia Hammond Animal Trust)
Celia Hammond Animal Trust将照顾这些猫咪直到能够结扎、植晶片,再帮忙找新家,目前仍在找弃猫的恶人。这则贴文已有超过10万次分享与3万多个留言,许多网友看到猫咪被如此恶意抛弃,感到非常愤怒,直言这就是要置猫咪于死地,希望坏人尽快被绳之以法。
Dumped in the night.... We were called out the night of 11th January by a lady returning from work who had noticed several sealed cardboard boxes in an alley in Stratford, near a busy road. She walked past the alley and then went back as she thought she heard miaowing - thank goodness she did, as the boxes were completely sealed shut with masses of parcel tape and the 11 young cats inside would have suffocated if we hadn’t raced straight out to collect them, as there were no air holes in the boxes. We didn’t know their temperaments so didn’t dare open the boxes and risk them flying out into the road, so made a few tiny holes to let air in but not big enough to allow them to rip at the cardboard and escape. Fortunately, it only took a few minutes to drive back to the clinic. The risk of cutting the cats would have made it too dangerous to use scissors to open the boxes, so we used a butter knife to get the cats out as quickly as possible. We can only assume the intention was for them to die as surely everybody knows animals need to be able to breathe to survive. The boxes cannot have been there very long as without oxygen our vets estimate they probably wouldn’t have lived more than an hour or two. One really strange thing is that these cats are really friendly and have clearly once been loved, handled and cuddled - what on earth would drive an apparently loving owner to do something so terrible? Perhaps it was a family member or neighbour who hated the cats enough to do this. All the cats are extremely underweight and covered in fleas - our vets treated them for fleas immediately on arrival in the clinic, but we will have to build them up before they are fit enough to be neutered, vaccinated and microchipped before they are rehomed. If you would like to contribute towards their care and helping with the cost of the extra food they all need - we’d be so grateful. You can donate via our donate button here https://bit.ly/2FzJzqG or via our amazon wish list https://www.amazon.co.uk/hz/wishlist/ls/2N6NW621HXPZ9?type=WishList or you can always bring in food toys direct to our clinic. If anyone in the Stratford area has any ideas about where these cats might have come from, please call us in confidence as we are concerned this situation may not have been resolved and there may be other cats in the owner’s property as we don’t think either of the two adult females are old enough to be the mothers of the nine adolescent cats. If the person who left the cats reads this, please email us on canningtown@celiahammond.org or call 020 7474 8811 so we can collect any other cats you may have and don’t want. There were no clues on the boxes to indicate an address. We will post an update tomorrow. Thank you, Wendy, for calling us - you undoubtedly saved these cats’ lives.”