毛小孩手术后害怕发抖 他抱在怀里轻哼歌感动无数网友
▲摩西斯亲吻着Meesha。(图/翻摄自BARCS Animal Shelter脸书)
就是这样温暖的怀抱,安抚着刚接受完手术的毛小孩,让害怕的牠慢慢平静下来。美国马里兰州手术助理摩西斯(Dennis Moses)这暖心的举动被义工偶然拍下,不只让狗狗好安心,也感动无数网友。
位在巴尔迪摩的动物收容所(BARCS Animal Shelter)26日在脸书PO出这段影片,「小宝宝Meesha麻醉还没有退,身体觉得怪怪的,所以有些害怕。手术助理摩西斯就带牠到安静的走廊上安慰牠。」
Baby Meesha was coming off her anesthesia and was a little scared because her body felt so weird. BARCS Surgical Assistant Dennis Moses took her out into the quiet hallway to comfort her. One of our awesome volunteers just happened to be walking by to capture this sweet moment. Thank you to Dennis and all the staff who work long, tireless hours in the background of our shelter—saving lives and loving the animals. (Turn on the sound, it will melt your heart!)