南非歌手控《自杀突击队》抄袭! 小丑造型来源是他?



DC电影《自杀突击队》在全球上映,票房创下惊人佳绩,却也引起不少争议南非嘻哈团体「回答乐团(Die Antwoord)」成员尤兰蒂维瑟(Yolandi Visser)近日发文指控电影抄袭,认为《自杀突击队》未经同意就使用回答乐团的造型,公开要求对方给予合理的解释。


尤兰蒂维瑟10日在Instagram公开点名《自杀突击队》导演兼制片大卫艾亚(David Ayer),指控对方把她和搭档Ninja的造型用在小丑女和小丑身上,但完全没有经过本人的同意,「你小心翼翼的觉得其他人不会看到,但我们注意到了!」她公开对比影片,认为小丑身上的纹身部分动作是抄袭Ninja,而小丑女在戴3支手表细节则是参考了她。


维瑟指出,「小丑」杰勒德拉托(Jared Leto)和「魅惑女巫」卡拉迪乐芬妮(Cara Delevingne)都曾私下透露,导演在片场时常提起回答乐团,但她从未收到对方联系是否可以使用造型。她还爆料,在电影完成之后,导演曾邀乐团去看成品,而Ninja便因此心软、抱着「可能只是有误会」的心态赴约,然而一整场时间都被冷落忽略,令他们忍不住爆发,要求对方给个说法:「带着你们漂亮的脸孔到我们工作室来,我们等着。」

yes David Ayer u jockin our style. callin ninja up before your movie came our pretendin 2b down, so it looks OK when u bite our black & white graf style & our opening sequence to umshiniwam & an all da lil tiny details u nibbeld dat other people wont see but we notice. Cara & Jared told us how much u were talkin abt us on set but u never asked our permision to rip us off. An when ninja texted u sayin wassup wif dat u said nothin like a scared lil bitch. U were jus flauntin our names pretendin to b down. u aint down an u never will b. but before we knew da extent of ur two face nature - u invited us to ur movie premiere(which i didnt wanna go to) but ninja went , tinkin ur solid guy an mayb there was jus a lil "misunderstandin". Den poor ninja had to sit thru dat hole bullshit movie. An u even got da nerve to say wassup to him smilin - an ninja has to b nice cus he is there wif his kid. But we all tink u wack. U shud start a crew called:,"im a fake fuck" ask kanye if he wants to join u. Cum show ur pretty face at my studios. U know Muggs & u know where da Soul Assasin Studios at. we watin for u. @djmuggs_the_black_goat_ @zef_alien @boojie_baby_ @ragingzefboner @_dark_force_ @dejanvisser @djhitekisgod @jipsi518

¥O-LANDI VI$$ER(@prawn_star)张贴的影片 于 2016 年 8月 月 9 11:58下午 PDT 张贴