「娜吉妮」金秀贤读原文《哈利波特》 女记者「惊讶反应」挨轰


韩女星金秀贤(Claudia Kim)在电影怪兽葛林戴华德罪行》(Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald)当中饰演佛地魔的宠物「娜吉妮」,随着该片即将上映,她近来也在狂跑宣传,日前她在某方谈中透露,小时候是看原文的《哈利波特》,女记者随即露出惊讶神情,该反应遭到网友砲轰是「种族歧视。」

▲金秀贤在《怪兽与葛林戴华德的罪行》中出演娜吉妮。(图/翻摄自Youtube/Warner Bros. UK)

金秀贤近来与饰演「魁登斯」的伊萨米勒(Ezra Miller)一起受访,当时女记者问及两人是什么时候第一次接触《哈利波特》系列的故事,金秀贤表示,是在中学时期,请父亲朋友美国带回了《哈利波特》的小说。这时候,该名女记者露出恍然大悟的神情,「是看英文的吗?」金秀贤随即点头。



▲女记者PO出金秀贤受访照向对方道歉。(图/翻摄自IG/Kjersti Flaa)



This is @claudiashkim who I had the pleasure to meet and interview last week for the Fantastic Beasts 2 movie. Since I posted my interview with her and Ezra Miller I have realized that something I asked her came off in a way that was never intentionally meant as being anything else but curiosity, but it has later been brought to my attention that it sounded ignorant. I am a Norwegian myself and English is not my first language and I was really impressed that Claudia could read Harry Potter in English at a very young age (since she grew up in Korea and I know that English is not her first language). I have received a lot of emails with extremely unpleasant threats to me and my family after several sources are calling me racist and other terrible things. I have been totally heart broken by everything that has happened. All I wanted to do was make a great interview with her and Ezra and I am sorry to everyone that was disappointed. Now, please spread some love into this world instead of fueling it with more hatred. And if you read this Claudia, please forgive me if I offended you.