世.界.之‧窗-想辞职? 先问自己这6个问题
阅读暖身开始怀疑自己是否胜任现在的工作,或只是在工作上遇到低潮吗?在你决定转换跑道前,不妨先倾听内心真实声音,来场私密对话。进入文章前,请先想想下列英文怎么说:A.达成期望 B.低潮期 C.坚持
Over the last few weeks, a lot of powerful women have talked about the significance of knowing when to walk away from ventures that no longer feel rewarding. At the end of September, for example, we watched as Blake Lively gracefully and humbly announced the shutting down of her lifestyle site Preserve, which she ultimately didn't feel (A)lived up to its original mission of "making a difference in people's lives." Not long afterward, we learned that our favorite funny lady, Amy Schumer, walked away from a $1 million book deal because she knew she deserved more-and ultimately landed an $8 million book deal.
While we don't have Blake or Amy's cell-phone numbers, we do have the ultimate questions to ask when dealing with a similar, should-I-walk-or-should-I-stay job dilemma. Compliments of millennial career coach Ashley Stahl, if you answer "no" to two or more of these questions, Stahl says it's time to have an honest conversation with yourself and consider moving on. If you answer "no" to one (or none)? Don't walk away yet-you might just be going through a temporary (B)rough patch.
1.Is This Experience (1)Serving Me? 这份工作经历对我是否有任何助益
What are you gaining from your current role? If the answer is "not much," it may be a sign that it's time to walk away-but not without analyzing what, if anything, you enjoyed during your time with the company. "Understanding those benefits can translate into a much better fit in your next step," said Stahl.
2.Are There More Opportunities For Growth? 我是否能从这份工作获得学习和成长的机会
This question is especially important for those who are still new to the job. Things may not feel right just yet, but remember that you're still adjusting. Think about the future of your current gig: If you can see opportunities for learning and growing, you owe it to yourself to keep exploring this new step in your career.
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