

今年奥斯卡颁奖典礼将不止当红英国歌星Adele会参加演出,影歌双栖巨星Barbra Streisand也应邀演出。这将是Barbra Streisand(图/达志影像美联社)第二次在奥斯卡颁奖典礼演出,而且距离上一回已经有36年之久,1977年她曾在典礼上演唱自己主演电影A Star Is Born「星梦泪痕」的主题曲Evergreen,Barbra Streisand与Paul Williams合写的那首歌后来得到原创歌曲奖。今年奥斯卡奖将对音乐电影致敬,表演者除了Grammy音乐奖2008年最佳新人Adele之外,还有Ravi Shankar的女儿爵士歌手Norah Jones。今年奥斯卡颁奖典礼的执行制作人表示:在庆祝电影与音乐的盛会里没有Barbra Streisand的演出称不上完美,他很高兴Barbra Streisand答应会有很特别的表演。Barbra Streisand 1942年出生于纽约布鲁克林,1962年即开始在百老汇演出,1964年已经是舞台剧Funny Girl「妙女郎」 的女主角,1968年「妙女郎」推出电影版,她与凯赛琳赫本竞争最佳女主角,除了主演过A Star Is Born「星梦泪痕」、The Way We Were 「往日情怀」、Hello Dolly 「我爱红娘」、 Funny Lady等知名的电影外, Barbra Streisand也自导自演Yantl「杨朵」、与Prince of Tides「潮浪王子」。在歌唱部分, Barbra Streisand也成就非凡,她一共有五首排行榜冠军曲,在历年畅销歌星排行榜获得第43名。

EVERGREEN (Love Theme from "A Star Is Born")Barbra Streisandwritten by Paul Williams and Barbra Streisand

Love, soft as an easy chairLove, fresh as the morning airOne love that is shared by twoI have found with youLike a rose under the April snowI was always certain love would growLove, ageless and evergreenSeldom seen by twoYou and I willmake each night the firstEveryday a beginningSpirits rise and their dance is unrehearsedThey warm and excite us'Cause we have the brightest loveTwo lights that shine as one Morning glory and midnight sunTime, we've learned to sail aboveTime, won't change the meaning of one loveAgeless and ever evergreen