小伙伴加油! 狗狗、无尾熊共喝一潭水超暖互动好窝心

My neighbours Kevin and family have a resident Koala that comes down for a drink when it is really hot. Down yesterday and today. Riley Stone and Olivia Stone have a dog, Rusty, who knows the Koala pretty well and they are mates (buddies for you in the US) - here they are hanging out filmed by Danielle Stone . The family has some great videos of this lovely animal. (Yes the country is on fire, climate change is real and many politicians are in denial but nice to post something smiley). We can pray for more enlightened leadership in the future! PS Been a tad of interest in this post (180K views so far) so I have updated it to get the attribution correct.


澳洲森林野火摧毁,即使非森林区也饱受热浪侵袭,无尾熊甚至必须到民宅找水喝。住在澳洲南部阿得雷德山(Adelaide Hills)附近的 Danielle Stone就拍到特别的画面,一只无尾熊攀着花园里水潭猛舔,而他们的狗狗Rusty也乐意与这位小伙伴分享。

影片中,无尾熊攀在橘色水潭旁,大口大口地喝起水来,看来已经渴了好久,而Rusty看到并没有驱赶,而是靠近共享一潭水,还不时摇着尾巴闻闻无尾熊,相当友善。网友Andrew Frost将这段影片分享在脸书,他说这只无尾熊经常在邻居Stone家附近出没,而Rusty也视这只无尾熊为老朋友,「这两天太热了,无尾熊连续2天都爬下来喝水。」他提到,气候变化的确造成非常大的影响,森林大火让澳洲许多地方陷入火海,「但分享一些让人微笑的画面还是不错的。」




台南树下捡到牠...谱成24年父女情! 7旬伯甜喊:爸爸最爱妳►爸爸上爱你!阿伯和24岁妞妞幸福灿笑 托拍照「盆葬用」►台湾虎斑送养加国窝笼发抖 新妈陪牠从胆小狗变大帅哥



