影/Big Baller Brand纽约快闪店挤爆 门口竟然有狗屎
湖人控卫博尔(Lonzo Ball)和球爸(LaVar Ball)旗下品牌一双要价500美金的球鞋定价傻眼,Big Baller Brand还到「大苹果」纽约开起了期间限定的「快闪店」(Pop up shop),受到当地年轻族群的欢迎。
Most of the people in line at the Big Baller Brand pop-up shop in New York are teenagers. Many of them came with a parent. All of them are buying something. pic.twitter.com/8soXFx10fy
在台湾时间11日球爸和博尔,以及2位弟弟里安杰洛(LiAngelo Ball)和拉梅洛(LaMelo Ball)也都亲自来到纽约造势。虽然BBB的球鞋并非一般人所能消费得起,但根据ESPN记者马卡锡(Arash Markazi)报导,来排队的都是10多岁的青少年。
「大部分来Big Baller Brand排队的人都是青少年,希望拿到球爸的签名。很多人都有家长陪同,几乎所有人都买了Big Baller Brand的商品。」马卡锡说。
在快闪店现场甚至出动了5名纽约警察维持秩序,但Big Baller Brand员工向球迷丢商品时,全部人抢成一片,显现球爸「逆向操作」话题的独到之处。不过BBB的快闪店也发生小插曲,在店门口竟然出现一坨狗屎。
So a dog just pooped in front of the Big Baller Brand pop-up shop in New York. (Insert your own joke here.) Now the highlight for everyone in line is seeing who will step in it. Welcome to 2017 in a nutshell. pic.twitter.com/lhCovjX3XK