影/鲸鱼遭活活斩尾…拖断肢海中漂流 拼命挣扎却只能往海底沉下去




27th March, was one of the saddest days I have lived in the ocean, photographic and filming a juvenile of a short fin pilot whale with sectioned caudal fin and its subsequent Euthanasia. I was hoping that the cuts were caused by sharks bites, but no, they were caused by an irrational animal, human. And according to the necropsy, by a sharp object, as a propeller of a small boat. #CPSespaña #equipocanon #liveforthestory #canon5dmkiv #canon1dxmkii #canonespaña #oris @oriswatch #orisoceanskeeper @aqualung_spt @rvca_europe #balanceofopposites @themustoftheworld @lurbelpg @in_process @pelagic_life #wildlifephotography #underwaterphotography #natgeo #oneoceandiving #whalesphotographer

Francis Pérez(@francisperez000)分享的贴文 于 PDT 2019 年 4月 月 16 日 上午 11:05 张贴

摄影师Francis Pérez在IG上PO出这系列画面,当时海洋专家发现这只被斩断尾巴的短肢领航鲸,紧急召来附近的海洋摄影师和兽医师,希望能帮助牠脱离险境,等他们将受伤的鲸鱼拉上船,亲耳听到牠不停悲鸣,但因为牠伤得实在太重,最后只能将牠安乐死,提早结束牠的痛苦。

27th March, was one of the saddest days I have lived in the ocean, photographic and filming a juvenile of a short fin pilot whale with sectioned caudal fin and its subsequent Euthanasia. I was hoping that the cuts were caused by sharks bites, but no, they were caused by an irrational animal, human. And according to the necropsy, by a sharp object, as a propeller of a small boat. #CPSespaña #equipocanon #liveforthestory #canon5dmkiv #canon1dxmkii #canonespaña #oris @oriswatch #orisoceanskeeper @aqualung_spt @rvca_europe #balanceofopposites @themustoftheworld @lurbelpg @in_process @pelagic_life #wildlifephotography #underwaterphotography #natgeo #oneoceandiving #whalesphotographer

Francis Pérez(@francisperez000)分享的贴文 于 PDT 2019 年 4月 月 16 日 上午 11:05 张贴


27th March, was one of the saddest days I have lived in the ocean, photographic and filming a juvenile of a short fin pilot whale with sectioned caudal fin and its subsequent Euthanasia. I was hoping that the cuts were caused by sharks bites, but no, they were caused by an irrational animal, human. And according to the necropsy, by a sharp object, as a propeller of a small boat. #CPSespaña #equipocanon #liveforthestory #canon5dmkiv #canon1dxmkii #canonespaña #oris @oriswatch #orisoceanskeeper @aqualung_spt @rvca_europe #balanceofopposites @themustoftheworld @lurbelpg @in_process @pelagic_life #wildlifephotography #underwaterphotography #natgeo #oneoceandiving #whalesphotographer

Francis Pérez(@francisperez000)分享的贴文 于 PDT 2019 年 4月 月 16 日 上午 11:05 张贴