


中信兄弟总教练史耐德(Cory Snyder)由于美国老家犹他州发生森林大火,返美安顿及照顾家人,他在IG上贴文说:「我会尽快回到台湾,帮助中信兄弟打这个赛季剩下的比赛。」





他表示,「我会想念你们所有人,希望我能处理好家里事情,让我的家人回到家里,尽快回到台湾为中信兄弟剩下的赛季效力。 我希望台湾的所有粉丝都是好好的,希望很快能见到你们。」

史耐德IG全文如下:「To all the amazing Brothers and Baseball fans of Taiwan. I have grown to love the country and especially the people of Taiwan over the last couple years I've been here. You all have been so amazing to me and my family. I'm sorry for the timing that I need to go home to help my family but it's very critical with the wildfire so near my home and with my family being evacuated that I need to be there to support them as a father and husband. I will miss you all and hope I can get things resolved at home and my family back in our home as soon as possible so I can return to Taiwan to help the Brothers the rest of the season. I wish only the best for all the fans of Taiwan and hope to see you soon.」