14岁少女右脸畸形遭酸「你被打哦」 挺过嘲讽成彩妆YouTuber

爸爸帮克里斯托化妆。(图/翻摄自YouTube/Nikki Lilly)


英国14岁少女克里斯托(Nikki Christou)患有脑动静脉血管畸形(arteriovenous malformation),导致她右脸与左半边并不对称,她曾被恶意嘲笑「谁打你了」、「你好恶心」。不过,坚强的她并未被击倒,反而成为彩妆YouTuber,自信画上紫色口红大家拥抱自己的不同。


Be your own kind of beautiful x Nikkililly.com



▼克里斯托热爱拍影片。(图/翻摄自脸书/Nikki Christou)

"If you look different, don't try and hide that difference. Embrace that difference," says Nikki Lilly, who, with the help of charity Changing Faces, has come to celebrate her visible facial difference. Changing Faces is one of three charities The Telegraph is supporting as part of our Christmas Charity Appeal. Even a small donation will help these organisations continue the important work they do. Read Nikki's story for a link to donate: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/christmas/0/changing-faces-nikki-lilly-sophie-using-make-visible-difference/