吸金2千万!24岁「神鬼彩妆师」李敏 遭温哥华时装周打脸
Global Fashion Collective(GFC环球时尚集团)是Vancouver Fashion Week(VFW温哥华时装周)的延伸,也属于VFW旗下。从2017年10月起,我们每年在纽约时装周和东京时装周举办1至2次展览。李敏除了2014年自愿在VFW当化妆师外,VFW及GFC完全没与她联系。VFW也没有与李敏进行任何生意往来,她的说法完全错误。
Regarding False Information of VFW and GFC Spread by Min Lee
This email is in regards to Ms. Min Lee and the false information published on May 30th, 2018 at the link below:
1. Global Fashion Collective is an extension of Vancouver Fashion Week, which is also under VFW. We run shows at NYFW and AFWT one to two times at each location yearly since October 2017. Vancouver Fashion Week/ Global Fashion Collective has absolutely no affiliation with Ms. Min Lee other than she once volunteered at VFW as a makeup artist in 2014. VFW have not now or ever had any business dealings with Ms. Lee and any assertion to that fact is completely false.
2. Please see the screenshot attached #1. Ms. Lee had never designed or created face charts for any designers in VFW or GFC as this is part of the responsibilities of our key makeup artist.
3. Please see the screenshot attached #2. Ms. Lee approached us regarding her interest in being involved in GFC showcase at AFWT. Therefore, we met her once and spoke briefly but did not come to an agreement about partnering with VFW and GFC. To clarify, she was not invited to our organization as a key MUA at AFWT and we did not work with her.
We are not certain what she is trying to accomplish. However, we are concerned about our reputation and having a false information spread to the media about VFW and GFC.
We take this issue very seriously and will take additional legal action if Ms. Lee does not cease and desist from trying to associate herself with our organization.
更多镜周刊报导【神鬼彩妆师】澄清专访还在骗! 李敏先前的简介露馅了【神鬼彩妆师】设计师、学生都吐槽李敏 自传恐出不成了【神鬼彩妆师】学费1天19K还抢破头 她火速海捞2000万