5oo Mook Vol.2《Art:Untitled》藝術,與它的介系詞
《5oo Mook》Vol.2「Art:Untitled 艺术,与它的介系词」于2024年1月26日正式发行。这是一本由《500辑》团队制作的杂志书,以Mook的刊物形式展现编辑的多元性,此篇文章节录书中编者的话:A Note from the Editor,从编辑总监林佳育企划Vol.2的初衷,了解「Art:Untitled」主题究竟想要传递什么概念?艺术与它的介系词想表达什么?以及封面的设计概念?
A Note from the Editor: Decoding the Essence of Art and its Prepositions
你我是不是都曾有这样的艺术观赏经验?「我们好像都急着找答案,同时也想答对答案。」在这次的专题制作,有机会观赏了几部 Camping Asia 的表演节目。观赏前先从节目简介上获得基本的背景知识:表演者、节目名称、与一段精简的文字介绍。在拉开舞台布幕前,我以为自己对这一切是有准备的!(当然不是。)
5oo Mook《Art:Untitled》内页。design by local remote
观赏结束后,总有几幕的画面、肢体、声音、光 线停留在脑中,不停思考着这部分是表达了什么概念?那部分又是要传递什么意义......。当在找答案的过程中,发现自己与他人都有不同的解读,而这没有什么标准答案,而是艺术留给每个人的体悟,让你好好珍藏着。就如它的核心概念「Open for All」所定义,这是一个舞台让不同世代的创作者共享,同时它的艺术性与价值是开放给大众,每个人都可一起欣赏与分享。
5oo Mook《Art:Untitled》内页。design by local remote
5oo Mook《Art:Untitled》内页。design by local remote
资讯满载的时代,让我们很会找答案,大脑中不停载入新资讯的同时也获得安全感。这样的过程是一种「获得」也是另一种「失去」,理解或欣赏一件艺术品的时候,正确答案并非真的这么重要,艺术家不是出题者,我们也非解答者。记得曾经在一件艺术品前驻足许久,仿佛是一种心照不宣地凝视着彼此,没有半点解释却也能真切的感受艺术品中所传递的讯息与能量,就近一看著作品名称《Untitled》,为一切下了一个美好的注解。社群平台上冲刺着各种标签、标注、与标示,也许适度地删除这些,我们对于生活会有更 真实的感受。
也因此在 5oo Mook Vol.2 以《Art:Untitled》来开启这趟感知旅程,以「艺术」为主词,借由不同的介系词,展开艺术的各种维度。本地遥控Local Remote设计的封面延续此概念,透过一件抽象的容器(Vessel) 象征着艺术,它乘载着各式各样的形式与意义,同时观者也可站在任意的角度、里里外外,欣赏着它。
5oo Mook《Art:Untitled》内页。design by local remote
A Note from the Editor: Decoding the Essence of Art and its Prepositions
Have you ever had the experience of art appreciation where the urge to find answers is coupled with a desire to provide the right ones? In this particular project, there was an opportunity to witness several performances from Camping Asia. Prior to viewing, fundamental background knowledge was acquired from program introductions: information about performers, program titles, and a concise textual overview. Before the stage curtains were drawn, there was a presumption of preparedness for everything! (Of course, that was not the case.)
5oo Mook《Art:Untitled》内页。design by local remote
Post-viewing, certain scenes, movements, sounds, and lighting lingered in the mind, prompting contemplation of the conceptual expressions and intended meanings. In the quest for answers, it became evident that each individual interprets different aspects, and no standardized response exists. Instead, art bequeaths personal realizations to be cherished. Aligned with its core concept of "Open for All," defining a stage for creators of diverse generations to share, its artistic essence and value are open to the public for collective appreciation and sharing.
Artistic expressions inherently transcend a single language; they manifest through various mediums, with performing arts utilizing the body as the medium and culture as the language of creation. Even if artists repeat performances on stage numerous times, each occurrence is inevitably distinct. The theatrical space, audience, backstage personnel, and cultural context may vary, but the core artistic values and meanings remain steadfast.
5oo Mook《Art:Untitled》内页。design by local remote
In an age brimming with information, the constant quest for answers and the continuous influx of new data provide a sense of security. This process, however, represents both "gaining" and "losing." The correct answer is not necessarily paramount in understanding or appreciating a piece of art. Artists are not questioners, and we are not answerers. I recall standing before an artwork for an extended period, silently exchanging gazes, feeling the conveyed messages and energy without any explanation. Upon closer inspection, the piece bore the title "Untitled," providing a beautiful annotation. Amidst the barrage of labels, tags, and annotations, deleting some would allow for a more genuine life experience.
Therefore, in 500 Mook Vol.2, the journey of perception begins with "Art: Untitled," using "art" as the subject and exploring various dimensions of art through different prepositions. The cover design continues this concept, symbolizing art through an abstract vessel with diverse forms and meanings. Viewers can appreciate it from any angle, both inside and out, symbolizing art.
5oo Mook《Art:Untitled》内页。design by local remote