阿荣福利味/Password Security Scanner - 密码安检
找出电脑中储存的密码 - Password Security Scanner,一般人使用浏览器、网路拨号、MSN、Outlook、Windows Live Mail都是把帐号密码直接储存在程式的,但这种作法其实是容易被窃取且不安全的,这个小软体可以用来评估检测使用者的电脑到底储存了多少此类帐号密码,显示出储存的帐号,密码的长度、强度...等相关资料,但不会把储存的密码显示出来!(阿荣)(下载)
支援程式:- Internet Explorer 4.0 - 6.0- Internet Explorer 7.0 - 10.0- Mozilla Firefox (All Versions)- Google Chrome- Dialup/VPN passwords of Windows- MSN/Windows Messenger- Microsoft Outlook- Windows Live Mail
This utility scans the passwords stored by popular Windows applications (Microsoft Outlook, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and more...) and displays security information about all these passwords. The security information of every stored password includes the total number of characters, number of numeric characters, number of lowercase/uppercase characters, number of repeating characters, and password strength. You can use this tool to determine whether the passwords used by other users are secured enough, without watching the passwords themselves.
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