阿荣福利味/SoftPerfect RAM Disk - 记忆体模拟硬碟


电脑记忆体当成硬碟来用 - SoftPerfect RAM Disk,可以在记忆体中虚拟切割出自订的大小,并挂载成一个实体磁碟分割区,将免安装的常用软体储存于此,借由记忆体的存取效能优于硬碟的特性,让软体执行起来更顺畅!64位元作业系统没有大小限制,32位元作业系统上限约3.5GB,免费供非商业用途使用。(阿荣)

SoftPerfect RAM Disk is a free high-performance RAM disk application that lets you have a disk on your computer entirely stored in its memory. As the memory is much faster than physical hard disks, it makes sense to store temporary data on a fast in-memory disk to achieve a higher performance. Whatever your job is, read on to find out what a RAM disk can offer you.

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