阿荣福利味/Macrium Reflect - 免费硬碟备份还原软体


免费硬碟备份还原软体 - Macrium Reflect Free Edition,可以选择整颗硬碟或某些分割区来进行备份,等到电脑发生问题再执行还原,也可以制作救援光碟,执行效能还不错!不过免费版不支援异机还原,只支援32及64位元的Windows XP/Vista/7。(阿荣)

阿荣评语:[2012.07.04] 以一个50GB内含27GB的系统分割区来测试备份,耗时15分钟,备份后之压缩档体积为12.5GB。

- A free disaster recovery solution for your home computer- Protect your personal documents, photos, music and emails.- Clone your hard disk and create disk images in the safe knowledge that everything is securely saved in an easily recovered backup file.

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