爱犬走失200天靠一颗「蓝色啾啾球」重逢 爸哭着紧抱

A Reunion 200 Days in the Making!! Just over 6 months ago, Blue went missing. His owner Pat searched and searched but couldn't find him. And then he had to move to Texas for his work. He thought he'd never see Blue again. Imagine his joy when a friend sent him a video of his dog playing ball at our shelter! He contacted us right away..."That's my dog!" And then imagine this.... HE DROVE 1,200 MILES FROM TEXAS TO GET HIS BOY!! We don't many happy endings like this one. There were some tears, tons of doggie kisses and lots of smiles. What a great story! We are so happy that the dog we named Bones is back with his dad and ready to catch up on some lovins. This is the best "feel good story" we've had in awhile, so please SHARE and spread the news: REUNITED!! This is why WE NEVER GIVE UP!







Not only will Bones play Fetch, he will bring it back and lay down with it, then will gently roll it to you. Best game ever!!



影/柴犬实力拆家催吐「整片红」害她超赤裸 奴才:很害怕回家

影/柴柴伸长手「偷摸香肠」委屈哭 拍摄者不救:顾3小时

跳跳虎我来救你了! 天兵柴坚持「咬尾巴」拖走整张茶几

傲娇爸半年变猫奴听「喵界示爱法」狂挤眼 她曝3招SOP

影/流动饮水机黄黄的」奴才疑惑尝一口 监视真相超傻眼

