


宝山上外附校旁 近7号线




房源70套 总价290-360万






















层高 :约3.1米





层高 :约3.05米



















项目位于北郊未来产业园南面,东至萧云路,南至沪品路,西至沪太路,北至金池路。自驾:项目紧邻沪太路,可接驳:月罗公路、蕰川路、宝钱公路、G1501、 S2 、S7 S20等上海主干道,可快速到达上海各商圈,尽享方便出行的悠享生活。










买房须知的18个常识1, check the five certificates, the so-called five certificates refer to the "State-owned land use Certificate", "Building land planning Permit", "construction project planning permit", "construction project construction Permit" and "commercial housing pre-sale Permit".1、查看五证,所谓五证就是指《国有土地使用证》、《建筑用地规划许可证》、《建筑工程规划许可证》、《建筑工程施工许可证》和《商品房预售许可证》。2, in fact, to buy a house to choose a good reputation of developers is necessary.2、买房其实选择口碑好的开发商很有必要。Generally good developers are highly qualified and well-funded.一般好的开发商资质高、资金充足。3, evaluate the ability to buy a house, for the just need family, because of their limited economic ability, so will take a loan to buy a house.3、评估购房能力,对于刚需族来说,由于他们的经济能力有限,所以都会采取贷款的方式买房。The loan needs to pay a certain amount of monthly payments every month, in order to ensure that the quality of life is not affected, to avoid the risk of broken payments, Xiaobian suggests that the amount of monthly payments is best controlled within 50% of the total income.而贷款每个月需要交一定数额的月供,为了保证生活质量不受影响,避免断供的风险,小编建议月供的数额最好控制在总收入的50%以内。4, select the house type, select the house type, first of all to look at the direction of the house type.4、选户型,挑选户型时,首先要看户型的朝向。The order of orientation is: due south, southeast, east, southwest, north, west.朝向优劣的顺序依次为:正南、东南、东、西南、北、西。5, choose the floor, the air quality of the middle floor of the house is better than that of the lower floor, and the travel of the higher floor is more convenient, which can be said to be a compromise.5、选楼层,中间层房屋的空气质量相较于低层更好,出行较高层更方便,可以说是折中。6, many buyers believe that the current price is too high, so when buying a house, generally in the same area, the same lot to choose a cheap price of real estate.6、很多购房者认为,当下房价过高,所以买房时,一般会在同等区域、同等地段选择价位便宜的楼盘。The correct way is to learn more about the selection of housing knowledge, pay attention to the good or bad housing type, housing quality and other dry goods.正确的做法是多学习选房知识,关注户型好坏,房屋质量等干货。7, don't be anxious, young people should not be good when buying property, should abandon the idea that home ownership must be in place in one step, according to their own can bear the scope, make a reasonable decision.7、莫心急,年轻人置业时,不宜好大喜贵,应抛弃置业必须一步到位的思想,根据自身所能承受的范围,作出合理的决策。8, see the concessions, for the developers to give the concessions, to inquire more, more analysis, more judgment, do not blindly follow the wind.8、看优惠,对于开发商给出的优惠,要多打听,多分析,多判断,不要盲目追风。9, do not blindly buy big, look at the house must be considered comprehensively, not one-sided.9、不可一味买大,看房一定要综合考虑,不可片面。The first is the area, the area is applicable to the principle, not for large and large.首先是面积,面积以适用为原则,不可为大而大。10, look at the planning, of course, to buy a house to pick real estate, pick the community, pick the type, but also can not only look at the house, but also look at the location of the house.10、看规划,买房当然要挑楼盘,挑小区,挑户型,但是也不能只看房子,还要看房子的位置。After all, the biggest factor in determining the value of a house is location, so it is recommended to keep in mind the direction of urban development when purchasing a property.毕竟,决定房子价值最大的因素便是地段,建议在购置房产时,要切记紧跟城市发展的方向。11, look at the price, price selection and comparison of personal affordability, traffic conditions, community environment, housing structure and other conditions to measure the price of real estate.11、看价格,价格挑选比较个人承受范围、交通状况、社区环境、户型结构等条件衡量楼盘价格。12, the community environment, community landscape, greening, supporting and so on are closely related to life, but also the embodiment of the quality of the real estate.12、小区环境,小区景观、绿化、配套等与生活密切相关,更是楼盘质量的体现。13, avoid the extreme layer, the top and bottom are not recommended to buy, the bottom is not only easy to damp, mold, breeding mosquitoes, the light is not good, the top one to the summer, not only stuffy, not breathable, but also easy to leak.13、避免极端层,顶层和底层不建议买,底层不仅容易潮湿,发霉,滋生蚊子,光线也不好,顶层一到大夏天,不仅闷热,不透气,还容易漏水。14, away from the equipment layer, the equipment layer is a special water supply, power supply of the middle floor, if you live near the equipment layer all year round, not only the noise of the machine equipment torture people can not rest, even the radiation of the machine will affect people's health.14、远离设备层,设备层是专门供水,供电的中间楼层,要是常年居住在设备层的附近的话,不仅机器设备的噪音把人折磨得无法休息,连机器的辐射也会影响人的身体健康。15, consider the problem of children, buy real estate to consider the safety of children on the road, try to choose a close house.15、考虑孩子问题,买地产要考虑孩子路上的安全问题,尽量选择距离近的房子。This can save a lot of time for children, so that children have plenty of time to study and rest.这样可以给孩子节约大量的时间,让孩子有充裕的时间学习和休息。16, property, the services of different property companies vary greatly, and whether the property company can complete its tasks perfectly involves the overall quality of the community.16、物业,不同的物业公司所做的服务千差万别,物业公司能否尽善尽美地完成自己的任务牵扯到小区的整体质量。17, the purchase deposit, the deposit is extremely unfavorable to the buyer, so that the buyer is in a disadvantageous position at the time of signing, the buyer is often under the pressure of the deposit does not return, against his will to accept the unequal terms of the developer.17、购房定金,定金对买受人是极为不利的,使买受人在签约的时候处于不利的境地,买受人往往在定金不退的压力下,违心地接受开发商的不平等条款。18, sign the subscription book, the basic terms of the subscription book to be agreed on in detail, the main situation of the house to be purchased in the subscription book to be agreed.18、签认购书,认购书基本条款要约定详细,对所要购买的房屋的主要情况在认购书中予以约定。The content of the terms should be legal and effective, and the developer is required to provide the text of the commercial housing sale contract as a formal signing.条款内容约定要合法有效,要求开发商提供作为正式签约的商品房买卖合同文本。5 Tips for an expert to buy a house内行人买房的“5句口诀”The expert buying a house can be simply summarized as "five sentences", that is, "one look at the lot, two look at the supporting facilities, three look at the floor, four look at the apartment type, and finally look at the price".内行人买房可简单概括为“5句口诀”,即“一看地段、二看配套、三看楼层,四看户型,最后看价格”。1. Look at the location1、一看地段Insiders buy a house first look at the lot, the richest Chinese Li Ka-shing also said: "The factor that determines the value of real estate, the first is the lot, the second is the lot, the third is the lot."内行人买房首先看的是地段,华人首富李嘉诚也说过:“决定房地产价值的因素,第一是地段,第二是地段,第三还是地段。”Although this location theory is more suitable for investment property, it has to be said that the choice of area (location) is also very important when you need to buy a house.虽然这个地段论更适合用于投资房产,但是不得不说刚需买房选择区域(地段)也很重要。Because the real estate in a good location has more space for preservation or appreciation, and the risk of buying a house is smaller than that of the remote suburbs of the city, even if the future housing price plummets, the first to fall is the real estate with a higher location, and the real estate price with a good location is generally the last to decline.因为好地段的房产保值或升值的空间更大,购房风险相对城市偏远郊区较小,就算未来房价暴跌,首先下跌的也是地段较偏的房产,地段好的房产房价一般都是最后下降的。2, two look at the matching2、二看配套Buying a house must not ignore the supporting facilities inside and around the real estate, otherwise the supporting facilities of the community are not perfect, not only the children are not convenient to read, even if you want to eat a meal, see a disease are very troublesome.买房绝对不能忽视楼盘内部和周边的配套设施,不然小区的配套设施不完善,不仅孩子读书不方便,甚至连你想吃个饭,看个病都很麻烦。The supporting facilities in and around a good community are relatively perfect, not only water, electricity, gas, gas, broadband, parking lot, public toilet, multi-functional children's activity space, leisure places in the park, property management company and other internal supporting facilities can meet the daily living needs of the owners.好小区内部和周边的配套设施就相对完善一些,不仅水、电、燃气、煤气、宽带、停车场、公共厕所、多功能儿童活动空间、园区休闲场所、物业公司等内部配套设施能满足业主的日常居住需求,There are also convenience stores, vegetable markets, food stores, pharmacies, small supermarkets, schools, bus stations or subway stations and other multi-functional services to meet the higher needs of owners and children.周边还有便利店、菜市场、食品店、药店、小型超市、学校、公交站点或者地铁站点等多功能服务配套满足业主以及孩子的衣食住行的更高需求。