贝鲁特爆炸满地血红猫掌印 毛孩走失、受伤志工组队救

Major explosion rocks Beirut! Government now declares Beirut a disaster city. At 6:00 this afternoon a major explosion at the port rocked all of Beirut. Initial reports of over 60 dead and 3,000 injured. Entire buildings and homes were destroyed, and significant damage throughout the whole city. What happened is absolutely shocking. Our hearts go out to everyone. Animals Lebanon’s office was damaged and windows blew out. Animals were injured from the glass and there were bloody prints everywhere by the time we could make it to the office. We rushed some animals to the vet for urgent care from the cuts. Our team is now out in Beirut helping people whose pets were injured or lost in the explosion. If you need help email your phone number and location and any details to contact@animalslebanon.org We are organizing teams tomorrow to help with injured or lost pets. If you can join in tomorrow to assist email your number to contact@animalslebanon.org Support us through PayPal - https://www.animalslebanon.org/get-involved/more-ways-to-give We will share more updates when we can.


黎巴嫩首都贝鲁特发生大爆炸,许多人的宠物灾难中失踪,也有猫咪恰巧倚在窗边风景,遭爆炸碎片波及留下满地脚印当地动物保护团体Animals Lebanon也受害,不过他们仍组织志工,努力协助寻找失踪的毛小孩

猫咪趴在窗边瞪大眼睛白色窗户地板上满是血脚印,牠是Animals Lebanon收容的猫咪之一,5日爆炸发生的当下收容基地遭受严重破坏,玻璃粉碎像下雨般洒在猫咪身上,有些猫咪因此而收伤,立即送养医院治疗。

Animals Lebanon也分享照片中猫咪的治疗过程,志工将猫咪抱在怀里,发现猫咪的指间都是血,便耐心地边边上药,而猫咪虽然疼痛不已,也忍耐着配合,令人心疼不已。

Animals Lebanon的收容基地玻璃散落一地,大家仍在尽力清理,此外也征集志工协助在爆炸中受伤的毛孩,并协寻因爆炸失踪的宠物。然而目前贝鲁特当地情形仍混乱,许多饲主也受伤或是家被摧毁,网友们得知情形都相当焦急,希望无论是人或是毛孩都平安,也有来自世界各地的人愿意提供各种协助。

贝鲁特4日发生大爆炸,黎巴嫩卫生部部长黎国卫生部长哈山(Hamad Hassan)表示,港口爆炸案已增至154死,5000名左右的伤者中有1/5需要住院治疗,其中120人情况危急。




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