


On the Human Condition论人生处境

The gods are blind. And men see only what they wish.——A Dance with Dragons天神们根本就眼盲。至于人嘛,只看得见自己想看见的东西。──《与龙共舞中册p.30

Why is it that when one man builds a wall, the next man immediately needs to know what’s on the other side?——A Game of Thrones为何世事总如此?有人盖了墙,别人马上就想知道墙的另一头有什么。──《权力游戏》上册p.255

I think life is a jape. Yours, mine, everyon’s.——A Dance with Dragons反正人生不过如此,你、我、任何人都一样,全是烂命一条。──《与龙共舞》中册p.30

There has never been a slave who did not choose to be a slave. Their choice may be between bondage and death, but the choice is always there.——A Dance with Dragons沦为奴隶的人其实都是自己选的,不当奴隶或许会死,但真相却是有做奴隶以外的选择存在。──《与龙共舞》下册p.277

Death is so terribly final, while life is full of possibilities.——A Game of Thrones死了就什么都没了,活着却有无限可能。──《权力游戏》上册p.134

An honest kiss, a little kindness, everyone deserves that much, however big or small.——A Dance with Dragons真诚的吻、仁慈的对待,其实每个人理当都该得到,与身体的大小毫无关系。──《与龙共舞》中册p.284

Every fool loves to hear that he’s important.——A Dance with Dragons愚昧的人总感觉自己很重要。──《与龙共舞》中册p.150

Never forget who you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armor yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you.——A Game of Thrones永远不要忘记你是什么人,因为别人不会忘。但要化阻力助力,如此一来你就没有弱点。用它来武装自己,就没有人可以用它来伤害你。──《权力游戏》上册p.87

A little honest loathing might be refreshing like a tart wine after too much sweet.——A Dance with Dragons直接给我脸色,偶一为之还算新鲜,类似甜点吃多了要喝杯酸酒。──《与龙共舞》上册p.39

We all need to be mocked from time to time, lest we start to take ourselves too seriously.——A Game of Thrones我们不时需要被嘲弄,以免生活太过严肃。──《权力游戏》上册p.283

Men are such faithless creatures.——A Clash of Kings男人,真是一种不忠的生物!──《烽火危城》下册p.249

Age makes ruin of us all.——A Dance with Dragons岁月不饶人。──《与龙共舞》上册p.106

We are all going to die.——A Dance with Dragons人都会死。──《与龙共舞》下册p.118

奇幻大师乔治.马汀笔下刁钻、最迷人的「小恶魔」, 却拥有最犀利、最解事的「大智慧」,




