「大毒虫」欧登重拾篮球 先打BIG3预计明年加入CBA



过去湖人的夺冠功臣欧登(Lamar Odom)自2014年被尼克释出后就陷入无球可打的窘境,2015年更因为在嫖妓时吸毒过多差点丧命,经过多年治疗后他即将重返球场,3日欧登在IG上贴文表示将会先参加BIG3接着去中国打CBA。




Yes to playing for the @thebig3 next season right before playing the CBA 2019 season in China. Working hard right now to get my physical right ! you all know, my body has been through allot these years but I have been cleared healthy by my doctors to play again. There is no better way for me to retire from Basketball then to play one more time. My fans deserve it and I can't wait to play again. I want to thank @clutchpoints and @ryanwardla for doing this cool interview that you can find on www.clutchpoints.com

Lamar Odom(@lamarodom)分享的贴文 于 PDT 2018 年 11月 月 2 日 下午 5:04 张贴