方恩格快评》CNN假讯息 谁得利?
美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)「资深国际记者」威尔·黎普利(Will Ripley)在10月9日发表关于台湾民主化的视频报导,就是一个很好的例子。
CNN’s Inaccurate Report About Taiwan’s White Terror Period: Who Benefits?
By Ross Darrell Feingold
Former Asia Chairman, Republicans Abroad
Twitter: @RossFeingold
This author often opines on the inaccurate content in foreign media reporting, and foreign scholar commentary, about Taiwan. With the local elections upcoming on November 26, and national elections in January 2024, and more foreign “experts” writing about Taiwan, we can expect more of such inaccurate information.
A video report by CNN’s “Senior International Correspondent” Will Ripley about Taiwan’s democratization published on October 9 is a good example.
In the report, Will Ripley visits Green Island and discusses the White Terror Period. At one minute 18 seconds of the video, Will Ripley says about Chiang Kai-shek: "For nearly half a century, he ruled with an iron fist, purging political opponents, presided over their trials, personally ordering thousands of executions".
It is accurate that Chiang Kai-shek ruled Taiwan with an iron fist and purged political opponents.
But the rest of Will Ripley’s statement is flawed.
The Republic of China took control of Taiwan at the end of World War II in 1945, and the central government relocated to Taipei in 1949 at the end of the Chinese civil war in which the Communists defeated the Nationalists. Chiang Kai-shek died in 1975. This is not “nearly half a century”. To approach “nearly half a century” one can add the period Chiang Ching-kuo ruled Taiwan, though Chiang Ching-kuo’s death in 1988 resulted in the period of the Two Chiangs rule in Taiwan being much less than “nearly half a century”.
This author is unaware of any evidence that Chiang Kai-shek presided over the trials of his political opponents. Perhaps Will Ripley can locate the evidence?
As for “personally ordering thousands of executions”, the Green Island White Terror Memorial Park lists 1,061 execution victims. There is in fact evidence Chiang Kai-shek personally approved some of the executions during the White Terror period. However, the number of executions he approved for involvement in Communist Party underground organizations in Taiwan, and the number of executions he approved for involvement in democracy advocacy or Taiwan independence advocacy, is a matter that historians continue to research. Regardless, Will Ripley’s allegation that Chiang Kai-shek personally ordered thousands of executions is factually inaccurate.
Inaccurate reporting about the White Terror period is disrespectful to the actual victims and their families. The terrible events of that period, and the responsibility of the perpetrators including Chiang Kai-shek, should be based on the facts. Politicians should not manipulate the facts, nor should foreign journalists participate in such manipulation.
It is the habit of Taiwan’s politicians to seek favorable reporting by foreign journalists and foreign scholars, in the hope that the content can provide a “If First Sold Overseas, Can Then Re-Sell in Taiwan” effect. President Tsai Ing-wen warned in her National Day speech that “Taiwan is one of the countries most targeted by information warfare, a non-traditional security threat that persistently interferes with the functioning of our democratic system.” Let’s hope that the upcoming local and national elections do not also result in incidents of domestically produced information warfare.
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