












Taiwan National Election Subversion: Who Benefits From Fake News?

By Ross Darrell Feingold

Former Asia Chairman, Republicans Abroad

Twitter: @RossFeingold

“MJIB seizes NT$11bn in illegal funds. Offshore funding is being used to finance attempts to influence the Jan. 13 elections, including funneling money to select candidates”.

This appeared in a Taipei Times (part of the Liberty Times media group) article published on October 27, 2023, and cites officials at the Ministry of Justice Investigation Bureau as warning that foreign actors are using remote funding, Internet betting and cognitive warfare to influence next year’s presidential and legislative elections. The article further alleges that the Ministry of Justice “detailed how offshore funding is being used, including making donations to candidates via Taiwanese businesspeople, contributing to temple charity events, using dummy accounts to “like” specific candidates’ posts and funneling funds to candidates through unregistered banks or cryptocurrency.”

The way this article is written gives the impression that Taiwan’s Ministry of Justice Investigation Bureau confiscated NT$11,000,000,000 that the mainland remitted into Taiwan to spend on election influence activities.

It reminds this author of the article that appeared in the Taipei Times in November 2018, prior to Taiwan’s local election that year, which claimed “It is suspected that organized crime syndicates are a primary conduit for the Chinese government to funnel an estimated NT$35 billion (US$1.13 billion) in financial support to pro-China organizations and political parties to run propaganda campaigns in an attempt to subvert the nine-in-one elections.”

In a commentary prior to last year’s local election, this author explained that the China Times asked both the Ministry of the Interior National Police Administration, and the Ministry of Justice Investigation Bureau, about the dollar amount cited in the Taipei Times article in 2018. Their reply was that they have no such intelligence, and that the Taipei Times report was speculation.

Unfortunately, many foreign scholars cited the Taipei Times article as proof that China spent NT$35,000,000,000 to influence the 2018 local elections, even though no such thing happened. The truth is probably that NT$35,000,000,000 is the amount gambled on the 2018 local elections.

And now, prior to the 2024 local elections, certain media are again repeating accusations about the amounts of money China will spend to influence an election in Taiwan.

Why do media (and foreigners) believe that China is spending such large amounts of money on Taiwan’s election? There are several possible reasons.

First, it’s consistent with some people’s belief that China actually has a preference for who wins the presidency or obtains a majority of seats in the Legislative Yuan, and that China will do anything to help that party including the expenditure of a large amount of money. It doesn’t matter that the amount of money allegedly spent by China would be so large that it would be obvious by an increase in the amount of advertising on television or on buses, or the number of banners and billboards promoting candidates.

Second, it’s consistent with some people’s belief that anyone who votes for certain political parties is brainwashed by China, a victim of China’s cognitive warfare, or is pro-unification. Although it is undemocratic to make such broad generalizations about voters, it is a generalization that certain media, commentators or scholars will make about Taiwan voters.

Third, it’s a pro-active defensive measure in case the Democratic Progressive Party loses either the presidency, its majority in the Legislative Yuan, or loses both. Such loses will be explained by China having spent large amounts of money to influence the election.

The truth is probably that the source of this NT$11,000,000,000 recently confiscated by the Investigation Bureau is the kind of activities that unfortunately occur every day. This includes businesspeople trying to hide from the banking system money they have earned in either the mainland or Taiwan and who use "underground" remittance services, funds spent by gamblers, or funds earned by organized crime in a range of illegal activities.

Certainly, some of the gambling money in the confiscated NT$11,000,000,000 is money gambled on the 2024 election. Regardless, it is unlikely China attempted to spend NT$11,000,000,000 to influence the presidential and legislative elections.

From our experience in Taiwan, we know that this election like other elections will have fake news, “online warriors” spreading disinformation, and other actions to influence how voters vote. Our experience also tells us that all of Taiwan’s political parties attempt to use these tools, and when they do, it is not necessarily the mainland who is behind it. There might even be a repeat of the Wang Liqiang incident, where weeks before the election, someone makes unsubstantiated claims of election interference. The failed prosecution of Wang Liqiang’s alleged “spymaster” Xiang Xin over the past four years is a lesson to all of us that we should demand sufficient evidence when allegations about election interference are made.

Ultimately, Taiwan’s voters are wise, and they will make their decisions in a democratic process. Both the winning side, and the losing side, should respect the will of the voters.