












Today Israel, Tomorrow Taiwan?

By Ross Darrell Feingold

Former Asia Chairman, Republicans Abroad

Twitter: @RossFeingold

Given the threat that Taiwan faces of a potential invasion by the Mainland, and, Taiwan’s military lack of recent actual combat experience, any shooting war around the world is worthy of study by Taiwan’s military and civilian leadership. The war between Israel and Hamas is no different. How the war began, how it is conducted, and how it ends will provide valuable lessons for Taiwan. The Ministry of National Defense has already established a working group to study the war.

The same with the war in in Ukraine, notwithstanding that prior to and shortly after the war began, Taiwan government officials discouraged comparisons between Ukraine and Taiwan. That was at a time when the world expected Russia to easily defeat Ukraine. When Ukraine’s brave people proved capable of defending their country, suddenly it was popular to compare Taiwan by saying “Today Ukraine, Tomorrow Taiwan”.

The truth is, it is impossible to say that Taiwan will respond to a Mainland invasion the same way Ukraine responded to Russia’s invasion, and it is impossible to say that Taiwan will respond to a Mainland invasion the same way Israel responded to the Hamas terrorists invasion.

However, at this early stage of the Hamas – Israel war, there are already several valuable lessons for Taiwan.

First, is the speed at which Israel mobilized its well trained reserve. Within hours of the mobilization announcement, over three hundred thousand members of Israel’s reserves reported for duty. Is this likely in Taiwan? When asked this, Minister of National Defense Chiu Kuo-cheng, per a Central News Agency report, “did not give a direct answer, saying only that Taiwan is a small country, and its armed forces have mobilization plans in place.” The reality is, having not carried out such a large exercise, the Ministry of National Defense does not know how quickly, or what percentage of, men eligible for recall in an emergency will report for duty.

Second, is the speed at which the US dispatched weapons to Israel. Within days of the attack on Israel and Israel’s announcement that it is at war with Hamas, the United States shipped weapons to Israel. Just as in Ukraine, Israel is likely to rapidly use weapons and ammunition that it had in storage, and needs the replenishment that the United States provided. However, this comes at a time when weapons deliveries to Taiwan are delayed, and the efforts of the United States government to fix such delays have failed so far given the situation in Ukraine, and now, Israel.

Third, is the English language ability of Israeli officials. Whether it is Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, or the spokespersons for Israel’s military, they are fluent in English and comfortable speaking to the international media. Similarly, Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is comfortable speaking in English (notwithstanding that he speaks with an accent), as are many Ukraine government officials and members of Ukraine’s parliament. More important than English language ability is sufficient knowledge of global economic, political and security developments. Taiwan’s needs a president with sufficient knowledge of such things, and officials who are comfortable speaking to foreign governments and foreign media. To be frank, many Taiwan government officials (as well as candidates for president) have much room for improvement in English skills and knowledge of the world beyond Taiwan.

Fourth, the center of the world’s attention is not always going to be Taiwan or the Indo Pacific. The United States will continue to play a key role in the Middle East whether in trade or security. Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s trip to the region last week demonstrates this. So does Saudi Arabia’s request that in return for establishing diplomatic relations with Israel, the United States must provide nuclear power technology and a security guarantee. As much as we in Taiwan might want the US to focus on the Indo Pacific, the US will continue to devote much time and resources to the Middle East.

Finally, even though the United States will continue to play a key role in the Middle East, China will increasingly play a key role too. Unlike in the past when China avoided playing a key role in the politics of the Middle East and limited itself to expanding trade relations, the “dealmaker” role China played earlier this year in the rapprochement between Iran and Saudi Arabia demonstrated that China sees a more expanded role for itself in the region. Just like after 911 when the United States and western Europe sought China’s assistance in the War on Terror, if there is instability or war in the Middle East, the United States and western Europe will continue to ask China to use its influence with countries such as Iran to prevent a wider war. Thus, China dispatched its special envoy for the Middle East to visit the region.

If the United States expects China’s help in the Middle East, one can expect the United States to continue to tell China, or publicly say, that its policy towards Taiwan remains unchanged. Although the United States Congress might pass a military aid bill for Ukraine and Israel that also includes Taiwan, let’s hope Taiwan does not suffer political setbacks due to a global focus on events in the Middle East and a desire by the United States and Europe to cooperate with China.