狗狗走失6周找回主人!尾巴摇到快断 爸妈边哭边紧抱

爸妈妈坐在地上就感动地抱着狗宝贝落泪。(图/翻摄自A Home 4 Ever Rescue Inc.)



动物救援团体「A Home 4 Ever Rescue Inc.」PO出一段影片,穿着圣诞服的Makita疯狂摇着尾巴,几乎像是要摇断了,而一旁妈妈满脸胀红,边哭边喊着「喔!我的宝贝,我的天啊!」、「对~对~我们回家了喔!」,另一边爸爸咧嘴笑着,不断抹去感激的眼泪,最后紧紧把宝贝拥在怀里,这一刻的团聚可是等了6星期。

Makita6星期前走失了,那天起爸爸妈妈就每天找寻宝贝,守着电话希望能接到捡到的人打来,但后来发现当初植晶片对方竟没有把饲主的资料登记上去。抱着忐忑难过的心度过了6 星期,Makita的主人网路上看到了相似的照片,并打电话询问,一到现场就看到开心得不得了的狗宝贝。原来不久前2名男子在马路上遇到这只狗狗,便送交到救援中心


Yesterday was a wonderful day at adoption. Little Makita our Freeway dog found her real parents. Apparently, she got out over 6 weeks ago and they have been look for her every day. They tried to get her info on her micro chip via a phone call to Home Again and the girl they spoke to didn't add their info to the chip. Sadly someone found her then dumped her on the 91 freeway where two nice young gentlemen saved her and brought her to us. They saw her picture and gave us a call and game down to adoptions and the video below shows the happy ending.