黑猩猩超老练滑IG…还会按爱心放大图 珍古德揭隐忧:这不正常
然而,研究黑猩猩的知名专家珍古德博士(Dame Jane Goodall)则对此表示遗憾,她说「年轻的猩猩不应该这样滑手机,这会阻碍牠们的正常社交,希望大家不要鼓励这样的行为。」(ETtoday宠物云有IG了,快按追踪)
Every night I go to bed thinking how I can help change the world and inspire people to love our beautiful wildlife and ecosystems! I’d legit take a bullet for any animal at any day and anytime that’s just how much I care for them ! Idk what kind of fire god set in my soul for animals but the love is deep and real ! I was placed on this earth for 1 thing and that’s exactly what I’ll do for the rest of my life ! Let’s all love one another and save the planet together as one @kodyantle TAG A ANIMAL LOVER
Mike Holston(@therealtarzann)分享的贴文 于 PDT 2019 年 4月 月 20 日 下午 5:36 张贴