Janet真的累倒了! 闺蜜「很懂妈妈需求」感动她:最棒礼物
▲▼Janet累倒地毯,任由儿子爬上爬下都醒不来。(图/翻摄自Facebook/Janet Hsieh 谢怡芬)
▲▼朋友转移阵地帮Janet提前庆生。(图/翻摄自Facebook/Janet Hsieh 谢怡芬)
▲▼好友们带Egan出去玩,让Janet难得有个人空间。(图/翻摄自Facebook/Janet Hsieh 谢怡芬)
A few days ago, after work, I was pretty exhausted, but I had promised my friends that we could take our babies to the park and play since Egan, George and I were going to LA soon.When I got home to get ready though, I passed out on the living room floor. Nothing could wake me up (not even Egan crawling around all over me while I slept.) 那天工作完回家有一点累,但我的朋友们说我快要出国了所以想一起带小孩去玩沙子。回到家之后,没想到我竟然在客厅地毯睡着。连Egan在我身上爬来爬去都没有办法把我叫醒。
A while later, I suddenly woke up to a pre-birthday birthday cake! This had all been pre-planned and it was supposed to be a surprise for me in the park, but because my friends, George (and Egan) saw how tired I was, they decided to surprise me at home. And then, my birthday present: free babysitting so that I could have some "me" time :):)后来我是被一个生日蛋糕叫醒了!本来要去公园给我惊喜的朋友们后来看到我昏倒,就来我家里庆祝。 而且更好是他们也帮我当几个小时的保母,带了Egan去玩沙子,让我有一点点自己的时间。
Friends know what mommies want the most and are the best presents I could ask for! Thank you :) 好的朋友们真的很懂一个妈妈的需求跟最棒的生日礼物! 谢谢你们!