凯蒂佩芮夺初吻 19岁男孩爆下节目嫌「不舒服」发文了


凯蒂佩芮(Katy Perry)在选秀节目美国偶像》上出其不意夺走一名19岁男孩班杰明葛莱兹(Benjamin Glaze)的初吻对方吓倒在地的可爱影片引起广大回响,没想到《纽约时报》事后电访班杰明,他竟表示那个吻让他「很不舒服」:「我是在保守家庭长大的,我希望初吻可以给我的初恋。」






该起事件来自《美国偶像》近日释出影片,一名来自奥克拉荷马州的19岁男孩班杰明葛莱兹,以 Nick Jonas的《Level》来做为参赛曲,他在节目中透露自己是一间百货公司收银员,平时只有机会看可爱的女孩,但从没谈过恋爱,更别说是亲女孩。随后评审之一的凯蒂佩芮要他上前亲她脸颊,却突转头亲男孩的嘴,让对方吓倒在地,影片也随之爆红,引发粉丝各种羡慕忌妒恨。

Hi everyone, I would like to clear a few things up for everyone who is confused, concerned, Or angry. I am not complaining about the kiss from Katy Perry at all, doing a few news reports and being interviewed by many different reporters have caused some major questions. The way certain articles are worded is not done by me and my true intentions are not accurately represented in every article you read about the situation. I am not complaining about the kiss I am very honored and thankful to be apart of American Idol the main purpose for the show is to find stars and new music artist. I do wish i would have performed better in the moment. I should have picked another song to sing and calmed myself down regardless of the kiss i should have been able to perform under pressure. I do not think i was sexually harassed by Katy Perry and i am thankful for the judges comments and critiques. I was uncomfortable in a sense of how i have never been kissed before and was not expecting it. My main goal is to reach people through the universal love of music and not cause strife or anger against anyone or about any situation! Please take into consideration that I don’t believe my views have been appropriately communicated through the media! Thank you for everyone who has followed me in this journey and i hope i answered a few questions. #americanidol #katyperry #music

Ben Issac Glaze(@benjaminglaze)分享的贴文 于 PDT 2018 年 3月 月 14 日 2:32 下午 张贴
