Kobe生涯最终战4周年「陪伴家人心愿永难达成」 爱妻凡妮莎恸:不公平
湖人传奇布莱恩(Kobe Bryant)在4年前的4月13日(当地时间)迎来生涯最终战,对爵士狂轰了60分完美谢幕,他的爱妻凡妮莎(Vanessa Bryant)表示,丈夫退休后的唯一心愿就是陪伴挚爱的家人,「他想亲眼见证女儿达到一个又一个里程碑,参与她们生命中每个特别时刻。」却因年初的坠机意外身亡,凡妮莎感叹「真的很不公平」。
My husband worked his ass off for 20 years. Gave it his all. All he wanted was to spend time with our girls and me to make up for lost time. He wanted to be there for every single milestone and special moment in our girls lives. He only got to enjoy 3 years and 9 months of retirement. We had 2 more daughters, he won an Oscar, he opened Granity studios, he became a 5x best selling author and coached Gianna’s basketball team in that time. She worked hard and gave her all 7 days a week just like her daddy. I wish I could go back to that morning, every day. I wish they had a normal local game on 1/26. Life truly isn’t fair. This is just senseless.
Vanessa Bryant (@vanessabryant)分享的贴文 于 PDT 2020 年 4月 月 13 日 上午 10:37 张贴
美国时间13日是布莱恩生涯最终战4周年,他却已经不在,被视为是他的传人的二女儿吉安娜(Gianna Bryant)也一起葬身在年初的那起坠机意外。Kobe的爱妻凡妮莎在个人推特发文纪念「曼巴日」,诉说对丈夫与女儿的无限思念,「我的丈夫为篮球奉献了20年,付出了所有。他退休后唯一的心愿就是陪伴他的女儿与妻子,弥补过去曾错过的时光。」