快讯/川金二会生变!白宫证实未达成协议 川普记者会提前
Reporters prepare at the JW Marriott Hotel in Hanoi for Trump's post-summit press conference on Thursday. It is reported that Trump rescheduled the press conference to 2 pm local time from 4 pm. #TrumpKimSummit pic.twitter.com/mxK0S8AY4P
《华盛顿邮报》记者David Nakamura指出,稍早大批媒体记者都在午餐餐厅守候川普与金正恩,现场摆着餐盘和菜单,但双方代表团都没有露面。目前白宫媒体记者已上车,准备前往万豪酒店,「美国总统稍后结束万豪酒店的记者会之后,预计将搭乘空军一号离开。」
►►►不断更新/「川金二会」今早1:1会谈 下午3点5分发表《河内宣言》!
BREAKING: Major change of plans at #hanoisummit. Sarah Sanders said the talks will wrap up in next 30 to 45 min, then Trump will go back to Marriott. His presser moved up 2 hours to start at 2 p.m. Not clear but joint signing ceremony and bilateral lunch appear canceled.
Here’s a pic of the lonely dining room at the Metropole where the delegations never showed. pic.twitter.com/xrsyrrOgYV
Potus interpreters pass by press pool van. Motorcade on the move from Metropole. #HanoiSummit is over. Presser next. pic.twitter.com/mxCkSaIJWD