快讯/芝加哥建筑发生爆炸4人送医 地面感到震动喷黑烟

芝加哥发生爆炸 。(图/翻摄自推特)




▲芝加哥爆炸画面 。(图/翻摄自推特@LakeCoILSheriff)

伊利诺伊州莱克县(Lake County)警方表示,爆炸发生在一间工厂人们应该要尽速撤离。从社群媒体影片可见,四周弥漫着浓浓烟雾。另一名目击者说明,她开车时听到一声巨响空气着有碎片飞动

根据美媒NBC 5报导,爆炸事发后,当地近千住户无电可用,部分地区房屋玻璃被震碎。

Footage of explosion in #gurnee #specialtysilicones #waukegan #chicago pic.twitter.com/z9Z6Apar4A

An outdoor camera caught the moment an explosion went off at a Waukegan silicone plant Friday night pic.twitter.com/YRAVc4uR7H

Fire, police, and paramedic personnel are working diligently at this scene. Again, please stay out of the area and let the first-responders work. Additional information regarding the explosion and fire will be released by Waukegan officials as the details become available. pic.twitter.com/RtA7MjTVxt