以为爱犬葬身5级大火 2天后在废墟听到奇迹「汪汪」!

MIRACLES HAPPEN!!!! For the first time since the fire, today I finally got out and looked at the building. I saw the window of my room, and I couldn't believe how much was still left compared to the rest of the building...then I heard a bark. I called HPD and HFD, they walked the building, and found Rebel still ALIVE IN MY ROOM. I cannot even begin to understand how he survived, but REBEL IS ALIVE!!! My boy is alive


美国维吉尼亚哈里森堡一幢公寓发生五级火灾,女大学生Kayla Marie Blake当时外出得知噩耗,绝望地认为狗狗性命不保,没想到2天后回到火灾现场,竟听见熟悉的吠叫声!消防员把这只「幸运汪汪」从废墟中抱出来的一刻,所有人都感动地鼓掌。

Kayla Marie Blake在詹姆斯麦迪逊大学主修心理学,3年前她在收容所领养了狗狗Rebel,3月28日火灾发生当时她恰巧出门,只留Rebel在家里,「当我接到电话得知失火,我一直喊着要救Rebel,但是附近居民都说没看到Rebel,消防员也告诉我父母,整栋公寓地板都被大火烧光,Rebel恐怕在劫难逃。」

隔了2天Kayla Marie Blake在朋友陪伴下回到公寓,看看有没有什么东西能够保留,没想到突然听见熟悉的吠叫声,她赶紧打电话请消防队救援,「我当下又兴奋又着急,很担心Rebel伤势严重。」

消防员打开3楼房间的门,总算书桌下发现躲藏着的狗狗。Kayla Marie Blake说,Rebel第一眼看到陌生人马上警戒起来,「牠对消防员狂吼,直到看见我进到房间才安静下来。」大家把Rebel抱出房间时,在一楼等待的人们全部鼓掌欢呼,消防员也说这真是一只幸运的狗狗。

Rebel只有鼻子有些微烧伤,其他部分安然无恙,连兽医都惊奇牠是怎么在大火中活下来。虽然大火烧光了Kayla Marie Blake房间内所有东西,但是对她来说没什么比爱犬平安更重要。

Today, firefighters were dispatched for a public service call at Lois Ln., where the fire occurred on Thursday. To their surprise they made another pup rescue. Rebel, is one lucky pup. pic.twitter.com/20gotPrP9r