英国投票最佳传统!遛狗顺便投票 推特狂晒毛孩…连「牠」也出现
#dogsatpollingstations is usually a highlight of working on a picture desk on election day but #reindeeratpollingstations has taken it up a notch. https://t.co/gbvMpn1ExM: @SWNS pic.twitter.com/4C9wHrbvJI
#dogsatpollingstations it may be raining but Millie is proud to have her bark heard this Christmas #ElectionDay pic.twitter.com/kpInkEJhyz
Forget #dogsatpollingstations, a couple of horses have showed up at polling stations earlier today.#GE2019 #GeneralElection19 pic.twitter.com/VJxL7PyaSU
带宠物出门投票的习惯,大约是从2016年脱欧公投后开始,简单来说,因为英国并不会因为投票而停班停课,所以许多人会在早上出门遛狗的时间,顺便去投票,再拍一张狗狗被绑在投票站外的照片,象征着「我已经投完票了」。这次的选举推特更出现了「#dogsatpollingstations post」(狗狗站在投票站外)的主题标签。
Hercules knows who to vote for #dogsatpollingstations pic.twitter.com/qaQ0CIpacN
除了强生之外,卫生大臣汉考克(Matt Hancock)、伦敦市长沙迪克汗(Sadiq Khan)也都加入带狗投票的行列。
Thrilled to report an exceptional (and very good) turn out at Dulwich Village Polling #dogsatpollingstations pic.twitter.com/gaBtYOfB71
#DogsAtPollingStations - Dogs take centre stage on the day voters cast their ballot in the UK general election [Tap to expand] https://t.co/t7BQcmiPP1 #BBCElection #GE2019 pic.twitter.com/Bz2MPWEnaD
►保守党压倒性胜! 强生誓言1月底脱欧:这是英国人民无可辩驳的决定►卫报:英国大选结果「改变政坛」 强生变舞台主角►苏格兰民族党预期大胜 党魁下周将提「第二次独立公投」