
文/妞新闻 Sandra


Photo source:15+ Bathing Animals That Will Splash A Smile On Your Face- reblog向来很tough的刺猬洗澎澎竟然变成一颗梦幻泡泡球,拿起来刷背应该挺过瘾的。(大误

Photo source:15 Bathing Animals That Will Splash A Smile On Your Face- onemorepost这样耍废真开心~~~

Photo source:15+ Bathing Animals That Will Splash A Smile On Your Face- reblog哈哈哈哈哈

Photo source:15 Bathing Animals That Will Splash A Smile On Your Face- onemorepost就这样冲凉最舒服了,根本不用动啊~

Photo source:15 Bathing Animals That Will Splash A Smile On Your Face- onemorepost这是洗碗还是洗狗?

Photo source:15 Bathing Animals That Will Splash A Smile On Your Face- onemorepost即使这只猫老大看起来非常不开心,臭脸和可爱浴帽还是有浓浓的反差萌啊!

Photo source:15+ Bathing Animals That Will Splash A Smile On Your Face- reblog博美翘脚看起来竟然挺妩媚的?!

Photo source:15 Bathing Animals That Will Splash A Smile On Your Face- onemorepost浸在泡泡里头看起来是不是很梦幻呢?

Photo source:15+ Bathing Animals That Will Splash A Smile On Your Face- reblog

Photo source:15 Bathing Animals That Will Splash A Smile On Your Face- onemorepost豪迈的仰式也是让人筋骨舒爽啊!

Photo source: Animals wash gif - joyreactor没想到无尾熊也会洗澡洗到抓狂~

Photo source: DIY Dog Washing Facilities Becoming More Popular During Winter- dogtrainingassociation洗澡搭配按摩有多舒服看牠的表情就知道~

Photo source:bathing your-8z4看完以上宠物们的洗澡秀,你是不是很想直接冲回家冲个冷水澡呢?

source:15+ Bathing Animals That Will Splash A Smile On Your Face- reblog,bathing your-8z4, DIY Dog Washing Facilities Becoming More Popular During Winter- dogtrainingassociation
