在手心里一起环游世界!疗愈刺猬Mr. Pokee是最佳旅伴

文/妞新闻 向J

是什么样的宠物可以待在你的手里,可以陪你走遍世界角落?有着无辜眼神个性随和又可爱的刺猬Mr. Pokee就是你的最佳旅伴。让我们一起来感受牠的温柔魅力吧!

Mr. Pokee 是只不怕生,喜欢和主人一起出门探险的刺猬。

Mr. Pokee时常外出享受大自然



不论四季变换,Mr. Pokee一定会到外面呼吸新鲜空气,而且都乖乖待在主人的手心里缩成一颗球呢!




Mr. Pokee也常常到来到湖边、海边欣赏清澈的蓝色水面

你说上面这不是Mr. Pokee?喔~这是牠的分身啦!Mr. Pokee不想出门的时候,主人就会拿出Pokee娃娃替代一下牠的位置。


Mr. Pokee在哪里?(左边:又!)

其实Mr. Pokee很喜欢夏天!❤




Me or Cone?



Mr. Pokee带你看世界

Hey guys, I’m SO happy to present to you our very first GIVEAWAY on Facebook!!! We’ve been posting lots of pictures of our stay at @casa.bianka and now they’re sponsoring a stay for YOU! All you have to do is go to Mr.Pokee’s Facebook page (Link in Bio) and follow the instructions: 1.Follow Mr.Pokee & Casa Bianka on Facebook. 2.Comment why you’d like to win. 3.Share the post. The whole package is worth about 800€ and includes a day-spa! You can bring up to 5 friends and have a really cool (long) weekend together close to BERLIN! You choose the time! If you are really lucky Mr.Pokee might even be there to welcome you. Tag your friends & share this!! GOOD LUCK Note: They will not pay for your transportation, so only participate if you live in Germany or close enough or plan a trip there anyways. #casabianka #revolutionofcute #reise #giveaway #gewinnspiel #berlin #reiseblog #reiseblogger #hochdiehändewochenende #weekendvibes #sundayfunday #ig_deutschland

Mr.Pokee the Hedgehog(@mr.pokee)张贴影片 于 2016 年 3月 月 6 8:17上午 PST 张贴

Mr. Pokee在德国莱茵河晒太阳


有点呆萌感又很温柔的Mr. Pokee,有没有把你的心掳走了呢?如果想要继续参与牠的冒险旅程,请持续锁定牠的IG喔!来来来~让我们一起期待Mr. Pokee下一次出走时的可爱萌照吧!



我有刺但我很温柔 网路红人小刺猬Darcy