





















Phone Call between the U.S. President-Elect and President Lai Ching-te?

By Ross Darrell Feingold

Former Asia Chairman, Republicans Abroad

X: @RossFeingold

The United States will have its presidential election on November 5th, after which, the “President-Elect” will begin to form their government that will take office on January 20, 2025.

Although the focus of most voters in the United States is the economy and illegal immigration, the new United States president, from their first day in office, must deal with a significant foreign policy agenda. This foreign policy agenda includes wars in the Middle East, Myanmar, Sudan, and Ukraine. The foreign policy agenda also includes trade disputes both with friends such as the European Union as well as with competitors such as China.

Of course, the areas of disagreement between China and the United States includes more issues than only trade, and includes issues such as sovereignty disputes in the South China Sea, maintaining peace in the Taiwan Strait, human rights, and developments in Hong Kong.

Republican Party presidential nominee, former President Donald J. Trump, frequently talks about China, often with regard to his threat to raise tariffs to 100% on Chinese imports to the United States. Current Vice President Kamala Harris briefly mentioned China in her acceptance speech as the Democratic National Convention in August, pledging that she will make sure “America, not China, wins the competition for the 21st century”.

One of the first China related decisions that the President-Elect must make is whether to repeat, during the transition period, a phone call with the Republic of China (Taiwan) president, such as the call between then-President Tsia Ing-wen and then-President Elect Trump held on December 2, 2016 during the transition period between Election Day 2016 and President Trump’s inauguration on January 20, 2017.

This author refers to it as a China-related decision, and not only a Taiwan-related decision. Some might want to analyze this issue as only a bilateral matter between Taiwan and the President-Elect. However, the reality is that such a call will have a significant impact on China-Taiwan-U.S. relations in the subsequent months and years.

The reasons why the President-Elect, and President William Lai Ching-te, should have phone call include:

1. Precedent: The precedent for such a call was set when President-Elect Trump and President Tsai held their call. Much of China-Taiwan-U.S. relations are based on precedent, such as the Taiwan president’s transit stops in the United States or Taiwan’s participation in certain international organizations such as APEC or the Asian Development Bank. Similarly, Taiwan’s inability to participate in other international organizations such as International Civil Aviation Organization, Interpol, and the World Health Organization is also based on precedent, and is unlikely to change.

2. China Does Not Determine Who the U.S. President-Elect Talks To: The President-Elect can meet with, or speak to, whoever they wish to meet with or speak to. Pressure from a foreign country such as China should not be the determining factor for who the President-Elect meets with or speaks to.

3. A Thank You for Taiwan: The President-Elect can thank Taiwan for its friendship towards the United States. This includes the goods that Taiwan imports from the United States, investment in the United States by Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company and other Taiwan companies, and of course, weapons sales by U.S. companies to Taiwan. As President-Elect Trump posted on Twitter after his call with President Tsai, “Interesting how the U.S. sells Taiwan billions of dollars of military equipment but I should not accept a congratulatory call.”

4. President-Elect Can Send a Signal to China: A call between the President-Elect and President Lai would send a signal to China that the United States will continue to support Taiwan just as it has in recent years. As the Taiwan government likes to say, relations between Taiwan and the United States are “rock solid”. However, even if the President-Elect has a call with President Lai, the President-Elect can also repeat that after the inauguration, the new president will remain committed to the United States’ longstanding One China policy, guided by the Taiwan Relations Act, the three Joint Communiqués, and the Six Assurances.

5. President-Elect Can Send a Signal to Other Parts of the World: A call between the President-Elect and President Lai is also valuable as a signal to allies and enemies around the world about how the new president will conduct foreign policy. It is likely that the President-Elect will, during the transition period, meet with or speak to representatives of allied countries such as the Canada, Japan, the United Kingdom, and others. Including Taiwan in this group of countries will send a signal about the importance the new President puts on U.S.-Taiwan relations.

On the other hand, there are reasons why the call might not occur:

1. 2016 Call Was a “One Off” and Not a Precedent: Unfortunately for Taiwan, during the transition period between Election Day in 2020 and the inauguration on January 20, 2021, President-elect Joe Biden did not have a call with President Tsai. What could have been a two-time precedent instead, for now, is a “one off” event that occurred in 2016.

2. If Harris Wins, She’s Still the Incumbent Vice President: If Kamala Harris is the President-Elect, she will still, simultaneously, be the Vice President of the United States. Her boss, President Biden, might oppose a call between Harris and President Lai. Although the Biden Administration has taken many actions to show its support for Taiwan, it still has certain “red lines” that it will not cross. Examples include not agreeing to change the name of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office to “Taiwan Representative Office”, and, unlike the Trump Administration, not allowing a cabinet secretary to visit Taiwan. A call between Vice President Harris and President Lai might similarly be something that President Biden will not agree to.

3. Impact on Future U.S. – China Relations: The President-Elect might want to begin U.S.-China relations on a positive note with hope for future cooperation on various issues. For example, if Trump is elected, he might want to resume trade negotiations with China. If Kamala Harris is elected, she might want to cooperate with China on climate change, reducing the amount of fentanyl “precursor” chemicals that are exported to the United States from China, or other issues. For this reason, the President-Elect might decline to have a call with President Lai.

4. Other Priorities: In the ten weeks between election day on November 5, 2024, and the inauguration on January 20, 2025, the President-Elect will have a busy agenda. This incudes selecting staff for the new government, and meeting with or speaking to leaders of close U.S. allies. For the President-Elect, a call with President Lai might not be a high priority.

5. Impact on China – Taiwan Relations: If the President-Elect has a call with President Lai, there will certainly be a reaction from China. China might respond by persuading one of Taiwan’s remaining diplomatic allies to switch diplomatic relations to China, the use of trade retaliation measures, or military exercises near Taiwan. As we saw from China’s large scale Joint Sword 2024A military exercise after President Lai’s inauguration on May 20 of this year, or the recent Joint Sword 2024B after President Lai’s national day speech, China’s military exercises put enormous strain on Taiwan’s military, because the air force, army, and navy must take appropriate measures to respond.

China – Taiwan relations are already at a low point, and a call between the President-Elect and President Lai will only cause relations to worsen. Perhaps the safest decision for Taiwan will be to tell the President-Elect of the United States “Thank you, but no thank you.”