国民党:期待美国在拜登领导下 与中华民国持续强化伙伴关系
国民党向拜登与贺锦丽表达诚挚贺忱KMT Delivers Cordial Congratulations to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris
The Democratic presidential nominee Mr. Joseph R. Biden has been elected as the 46th President of the United States of America. On behalf of the Kuomintang (KMT), Chairman Johnny Chiang cordially congratulates Mr. Biden and the Democratic vice presidential nominee Ms. Kamala D. Harris on their successful election campaign. The KMT looks forward to a continued reciprocal and cooperative partnership between the US under the leadership of Mr. Biden and the Republic of China (Taiwan), as well as more constructive developments in international participation, trade, democracy, and security cooperation.
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