海滩开放人潮大涌入!单日确诊新高 「佛州白痴」登推特第一
I live in Florida & am not one of the #FloridaMorons that are flocking to the beaches.. I have family that are nurses and have told me this is a real dangerous virus and to practice safe social distancing still. In the same day we set record new cases we open beaches? pic.twitter.com/i4mb88Bjfu
美国佛罗里达州17日下午5点部分沙滩及公园重新开放, 在家闷坏的人潮立即涌向海滩,一时之间出现数百人在海边游泳、慢跑、散步,还有许多人根本没有戴上口罩,使得美国地区的推特热搜第一名一度出现「佛州白痴」(FloridaMorons)一词。
A few years ago, I saw that there were people who prefer environmentally-less-efficient lightbulbs *because* they are worse for the environment.What we're seeing on Florida's beaches today is a segment of the U.S. population that is pro-destruction, pro-failure. #FloridaMorons pic.twitter.com/IEBB9RmCuL
While #FloridaMorons trends, I Had the opportunity to shoot the scene at Jax beach today for @Reuters. Hundreds of people out with no real social distancing. Police cars patrolled to prevent people from staying stationary or playing “organizational sports” that create crowds. pic.twitter.com/MQehbTodWd