快讯/加州爆连续杀人案…抢匪2小时夺4命 距离迪士尼仅10分钟车程
美国加州橘县(Orange County)当地时间7日晚间发生强盗杀人案,共造成4人死亡、2人受伤。当时33岁嫌犯先抢了面包店之后,在一处公寓杀死两名男子,又在停车场刺杀一人,最后用刀刺死一名保全并抢走配枪,所幸及时遭到逮捕,目前尚未厘清犯案动机。据了解,攻击地点距离加州迪士尼仅有10分钟车程。
#BREAKING: At least 4 dead and 2 injured in a series of stabbings in Garden Grove. The crimes scenes are at several different locations. One person was seen in handcuffs but it's unconfirmed right now if he's the suspect. We have crews at the scene gathering information. #CBSLA pic.twitter.com/RTFcvx9ATq
根据《USA TODAY》报导指出,该名嫌犯在加州橙县小西贡区园林(Garden Grove)随意攻击,两个小时内造成4人死亡、2人受伤。当地警方表示,他先是抢了一家面包店,接着沿路跑到一处公寓刺杀2名男性,随后跑到一家保险公司抢劫,并刺伤一名女性,然后跑到加油站继续行刺,其中一名受害者鼻子几乎被砍断。
最后嫌犯跑到Subway的停车场刺杀一人,最后在一间超商用刀刺向保全,并抢夺配枪,所幸警方及时赶到将他逮捕。警局发言人惠特尼(Carl Whitney)研判,这是一场随机攻击,嫌犯与受害者皆无任何关系,目前尚不清楚犯案动机。
GGPD working multiple scenes with several homicides. Multiple robberies and stabbings by suspect. Suspect in custody by #GGPD at Harbor and First in Santa Ana. PIO at Puryear and Chapman in GG. #GGPD32 #homicide pic.twitter.com/62Xq8lm97n