辣模厄普顿反对抵制国歌 人权先锋力挺



NFL旧金山49人队四分卫卡普尼克(Colin Kaepernick)抵制国歌事件越演越烈,随着NFL球季开打,越来越多球员加入他的行列。但美国知名辣模厄普顿(Kate Upton)就在intagram放上海豚队球员唱国歌时单膝跪地的照片,并批评他们的行为。


In my opinion, the national anthem is a symbolic song about our country. It represents honoring the many brave men and women who sacrifice and have sacrificed their lives each and every single day to protect our freedom. Sitting or kneeling down during the national anthem is a disgrace to those people who have served and currently serve our country. Sitting down during the national anthem on September 11th is even more horrific. Protest all you want and use social media all you want. However, during the nearly two minutes when that song is playing, I believe everyone should put their hands on their heart and be proud of our country for we are all truly blessed. Recent history has shown that it is a place where anyone no matter what race or gender has the potential to become President of the United States. We live in the most special place in the world and should be thankful. After the song is over, I would encourage everyone to please use the podium they have, stand up for their beliefs, and make America a better place. The rebuilding of battery park and the freedom tower demonstrates that amazing things can be done in this country when we work together towards a common goal. It is a shame how quickly we have forgotten this as a society. Today we are more divided then ever before. I could never imagine multiple people sitting down during the national anthem on the September 11th anniversary. The lessons of 911 should teach us that if we come together, the world can be a better and more peaceful place #neverforget.

Kate Upton(@kateupton)张贴相片 于 2016 年 9月 月 11 4:12下午 PDT 张贴

而在1968墨西哥奥运,拿下200公尺金牌黑人跑者史密斯(Tommie Smith)和铜牌卡洛斯(John Carlos),就在颁奖台上低头,紧握戴上黑手套拳头,并将手举起为非裔美国人的人权发声,两人最后被国际奥会终身禁赛



