蓝猫肿成「坦克」送去减重 缩跑步机角落低音抱怨:虐猫啊~

猫咪减重第一次踏上跑步机走几步就放弃,躲在角落喵叫抗议。(图/翻摄自The Dodo)



▲▼蓝猫新德过胖罹患关节炎,几乎无法行走。(图/翻摄自The Dodo)


She is not on board with the exercise Jason is the best- That's good work! #felinemedicine #felinerehab


As many of you know Cinder was relinquished to our hospital last week. We are fortunate that Purina has offered to help us with her care. We will be fundraising for our Good Samaritan fund - stay tuned for the details. This fund is used exclusively to pay for veterinary care for clients who could otherwise not afford it. It is important to feed a prescription weight loss food to a pet that is this overweight because it is balanced nutritionally to avoid essential nutrient deficiencies that can happen on a weight loss program. Many people have wondered why we are subjecting Cinder to the underwater treadmill. Cinder has arthritis in multiple joints and is carrying an extra 10 lb of body weight. The water provides a reduced weight-bearing environment that increases functional use of limbs without marked weight loading and resultant discomfort to joints. She's still in the process of becoming acclimated to this treadmill and the water level is lower than we would like just so she can become used to the process.




天冷了!儿子身旁多一根「长脚香蕉」 妈查房掀开笑翻►虎斑汪进电梯「下秒动作超有礼貌」 怕狗邻居赞爆:好乖!►宅急便包裹收件人写「围事阿龙」 老板:牠是猫耶!


