猫咖啡厅聘「2老鼠」当保母! 帮忙理毛尾巴当逗猫棒

老鼠竟然能成为猫咪保母玩伴。(图/翻摄自Brooklyn Cat Cafe)



纽约「布鲁克林猫咖啡(Brooklyn Cat Cafe)」由一个动物福利机构经营,而瑞米和艾蜜莉就是「鼠鼠保母」,牠们今年4月时被从一个专门救援小动物的机构领养,其中瑞米是棕色的,而艾蜜莉是灰色的。根据《The Dodo》,猫咖啡的经理拉文(Anne Levin)表示,2只老鼠喜欢爬来爬去、玩、亲亲还喜欢摸摸,「每次抓艾蜜莉的肚肚,牠都会发出像是在笑的声音,超级可爱!」

Remy (grey/white) & Emile (brown) are two new, young rats who are joining the kittens in the terrarium. These boys are so active and playful and they love to share snacks with the kittens. They love vegetables and head scratches. Although rats and cats have adversarial relationships outside the terrarium – inside the kittens are the perfect size to have supervised romp and play sessions with the kittens. Because the rats are not scared of the kittens, they don’t run away and the cats don’t hunt them. However, the kittens are convinced that the rat tails are there primarily for them to play with. Remy and Emile are ok with that so long as the kittens play gently with their tails. These boys were rescued and lovingly raised by HALT. Helping All Little Things is a small animal rescue serving New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. It is run by is run by Danielle Challender, Jimmy Clark and Ericka Chadbourne, who have decided to open their homes and hearts to neglected, abused and unwanted small animals. Working in conjunction with foster homes, shelters and other rescues, they find permanent loving homes for animals such as guinea pigs, chinchillas and hamsters. If you are looking to adopt a small animal we recommend you check out the wonderful small mammals that they have who are looking for homes! Watch Remy, Emile, and the kittens on our Kitten Cam! CatCafebk.com/kitten-cam . . #catcafebk #adoptdontshop #HALT #ratrescue #catsandrats #kittencam #BBAWC


Happy #Caturday! Emile is grooming two of our (many) bottle babies. We are open from 11 am to 7:30 pm today, and we're Adults Only after 5:30 pm. CatCafeBK.com


Brooklyn Cat Cafe (@catcafebk)分享的贴文 于 2017 年 7月 月 22 6:43上午 PDT 张贴