美爆连环枪击至少8死!3间Spa惨沦枪口炼狱 4死者为亚裔女性
Atlanta shootings: Four women dead after gunfire at two spas with suspect on the runOfficers in the Georgia state capital that they are searching for the alleged shooter who drove away in a black Hyundai SUVLocal police released this image of a suspect in the alleged shooting pic.twitter.com/LNF2jkaGGJ
综合美联社和《亚特兰大宪法报》报导,亚特兰大近郊伍兹塔克镇(Woodstock)的「杨氏亚洲按摩Spa」(Young’s Asian Massage Spa),在16日傍晚5点遭歹徒闯入开枪扫射,店内5人全都中枪。其中2人当场丧命,另外受重伤而被紧急送院治疗的3人中,也有2人不治身亡。
This is the suspect in one of the Georgia shootings. Robert Aaron Long has been taken into custody in Crisp County, about 150 miles south of Atlanta, around 8:30 p.m. -- about 3 1/2 hours after the killings. pic.twitter.com/RtjDI1Fa3h
不到2个小时,皮埃蒙特路(Piedmont Road)2家非常靠近的Spa又传出枪击案。警方在「黄金Spa」(Golden Spa)调查时,又被叫到对街的「芳香疗法Spa」(Aromatherapy Spa)同步处理这两宗案件。皮埃蒙特路的双向通道随后被紧急封锁。「黄金Spa」有3名女子当场死亡,而「芳香疗法Spa」则有1名女子丧命。
Suspect wanted in Spa shootings in Atlanta. Robert Aaron Long pic.twitter.com/0QKRKh5IS5
警方表示,4名死者看起来都是亚裔,而他们也在调阅监视器后逮捕了21岁男子龙(Robert Aaron Long)。监视器画面显示,他在16日4点50分,也就是「杨氏亚洲按摩Spa」发生枪击案前,开着黑色的SUV休旅车进入店内。不过警方表示,这几宗枪击案是否有关联仍有待进一步调查,但他们已加强当地的巡逻,以避免憾事再度发生。韩联通报导指出,南韩政府在17日下午宣布,有4名南韩人在本次枪击案中丧生。
4 people of Korean descent killed in Atlanta shootings: foreign ministry https://t.co/Zxqy2kP4by