《梦幻之星》主题曲《Save This World》


游戏音乐VOL.1:《Save This World》(来源:本站

“《梦幻之星》系列”(Phantasy Star Series)是SEGA公司最著名、同时也是历史最悠久的RPG系列,与光明系列(Shining Series)并称为SEGA RPG大系中的两棵常青树。自1987年首作推出以来,已经在不同平台发售了30多作。视频中的这首曲子是PSP版《Phantasy Star Portable》的主题曲《Save This World》,视频的素材是最新作《梦幻之星OL2》的开场CG。


who said we are lost again in this lonely world

I say we can start again; we're on the same ship.

It's called starship Earth.

It is not too late, it's our home so don't say that it's fate

We must not give up to build our future on our dreams.

We will never lie down to die, but we'll find a way to survive.

We all have somebody we love.

We know that's why we're here.

We battle for freedom.

It is a battle against the Dark

I have my dreams.

You know I'm not afraid of bleeding.

It is the time!

We battle for tomorrow.

It is a battle against time,

and we can do miracles.

so take my hand, we need to save this world!

It was a hard time So many tears and so much for nothing

To give up is not a choice; it's a fight we have to win!

I can not live with out faith Even if I’m face with death We all have somebody we love We know that's why we're here.

We battle for freedom

It is a battle against the Dark

We all have dreams,

and each of them is to be realized.

It is the time! We battle for tomorrow.

It is a battle against time.

Too many tears have been shed for the same fear.

We need to save this world!

We will never lie down to die,

but we'll find a way to survive.

We all have somebody we love.

We know that's why we're here.

We battle for freedom.

It is a battle against the Dark

I have my dreams.

You know I'm not afraid of bleeding

It is the time! We battle for tomorrow.

It is a battle against time,

and we can do miracles,

so take my hand, we need to save this world!