欧洲返国客挤爆机场!推特照片曝「全场0口罩」 怒批:会在这里被传染
This is the scene at O’Hare airport. The traveler who took the photo said it’s a 6-hour wait for bags then on to customs for 2-4 more of waiting in shoulder-to-shoulder crowds. Police are handing out water and disinfectant wipes. @fly2ohare #ord #coronavirus #COVID19 pic.twitter.com/UTx9E0nj1s
从巴黎经伦敦飞抵芝加哥欧海尔国际机场(O'Hare International Airport)的罗洁斯(Katherine Rogers)向CNN记者表示,他在这边已经排了5个小时的队伍,准备接受新冠病毒检测,但医生告诉她还得再排1个小时;而从冰岛返国的施密特(Ann Lewis Schmidt)也已经排了1个半小时,「如果我们之前没有感染,如今挤在这边,有很大的机会已经被传染了。」
CHICAGO: A man shared this video of a crowd of people at the Chicago O'Hare International Airport on Saturday. The man said the people in this hallway were traveling from different countries & states. He said it took him 4.5 hours to get through.Video courtesy:Joe Rosengarten pic.twitter.com/jJJYEBaD0t
Process at Chicago O’Hare International Airport (ORD) they have 3 lines of more than 4 hours waiting at the end they ask you 3 questions they take your temperature and you leave @WGNNews @cheboricua tenemos puertorriqueños en esas líneas pic.twitter.com/IMKHtdEGmK
从推特曝光的照片也可以看到,机场内挤满了等待疫检的旅客,且几乎没有人戴口罩;而纽约甘迺迪国际机场(New York's John F. Kennedy airport)也有同样状况,旅客表示他们必须填写旅游史的表格,但现场却没有足够的表格和笔,大家必须共用少数几支笔,排队至少要2个半小时。
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